Friday, August 25, 2006

TRYing to get ready...

Isn't this a great pic. This is related to reason #1... so read on.

Yes, I am TRYing to get ready to go to a wedding. Now, I have known that we were invited to this wedding for quite some time. Still, am I ready? Presents wrapped? Outfit selected?
Did you guess "no" for all three??? Well actually I have wrapped the presents. Can't choose a darn outfit though. Including the one (okay, two) I ran out TODAY... the day of the wedding... to buy! And do NOT even get me started on shoes! Oy!

Is this a female issue? a pocrastination tendency? proof that I am really "losing it?"

Well, in an attempt to answer these questions, along with why the fig newton I am blogging when I should be getting ready - I came up with a top ten list for your (okay, for my) enjoyment. Here goes:

Top Ten Reasons I am Usually Not Ready:

10. Indecisiveness resulting from a desire to please everyone

9. Attention Defecit Laundry Disorder (ADLD) - i seem to always have to stop what I am doing to change, fold, iron, fold, start, etc. laundry. How do these people make so much flipping wash?!

8. When in doubt, procrastinate!

7. My brain takes longer to warm up???

6. Dishitis - and you think they generate laundry? You should see the dishes pile up!

5. Wait! Diaper change time....

4. A blogging I will go, a blogging I will go, hi ho the dairio (what the blink is that word??) a blogging I will gooooooo

3. Did I mention that when I am trying to get ready I must use the phone to consult numerous friends to get their take on my wardrobe??? Really, I do! Matter of fact, hang on while I call K. right now........

2. (i'm back, just spoke to the bride though!) So... #2 reason I am never ready on time? "Good things come to those who wait" and the whole "save the best for last" thing.

AND ...

the #1 reason I am never ready on time.....

1. THREE LOVELY CHILDREN (need I say more???)

So, I guess I better go and get ready because I really don't think that V will wait on the vows just for little ole me.

Happy Weekend everyone!


At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have me laughing already! Ha - and you thought you could hide your blog from me - little did you know that I know when someone links to my blog!

I think I also have laundry attention deficit disorder! Mine is in the area of folding and putting away - I can only do it for about 5 minutes before I wander away to do something else like knit a sock or start a blog!

Well, you have posted such great comments on my blog, I'm feeling a bit of stress here to make sure that this is a good first comment for your blog.

I'm really proud of you and I'm glad that you have started this!!! Can't wait to read more!!! More! more! more! - I want more!!!

At 2:04 AM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...

Jenny, This is my first comment on your new blog and i must tell you how proud I am of you. You have found the information super highway and merged into the fastlane! Kudos!!

Now i just wanted to address item #4 of your top 10 list:
The song ACTUALY goes "Hey Ho the D'addario" wich is a reference to both The Ramones, and D'Addario Bass Guitar strings. observe This

Just incase you wanted to know YES the Ramones have been arround since the 19th century when that song was written. Turns out they were time travelers that toured accross the 4th dimension singing hits such as "I Wanna Be Sedated" and "Blitzkrieg Bop" who knew?

I will leave you with this before i post all over your other blog entries: Its very nice to read your writing. It makes me feel closer to you! please keep it up.

At 2:13 AM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...


The Farmer in the Dell
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Farmer in the Dell, is a song that children sing. It tells the story of a farmer in a dell who takes a wife, who takes a child, who takes a nurse, etc, until finally a rat takes a cheese, and the cheese "stands alone".

Like most children's songs, there are geographic variations, and in the United Kingdom this is known as The Farmer's In His Den. The 'Hi-Ho, the derry-o' is variously replaced with 'Ee-i, tiddly-i' in London, 'Ee-i, the addio' in Northern England, and 'Ee-i, ee-i' in the West Country. In the UK, the rat is replaced with a dog and in the final verse, all other players pat the dog or alternatively its bone.

Circle Game: Ten children (or more) join hands and dance around the FARMER, who stands in the center of the circle as they sing. At the end of the first verse,the FARMER chooses his WIFE, who joins him inside the circle. At the end of the next verse, the WIFE takes a CHILD, and so on, until the last verse when everyone is in the circle except the CHEESE, who stands alone. Whoever ends up being the CHEESE becomes the FARMER for the next round."

you made me currious enough to seek the truth.- Mk

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Dear b.matt... thank you for the kudos! And for the information. You really know your stuff!! I had not known of the Ramones' time traveling capabilities. Now if that comes up in Trivial Persuit, or if we are ever on Family Fued together I will know the answer to, "What band has played live in both the 19th and the 20th century." That's a goodie!

How, by the way, did you publish a link within a comment? I need to learn how to do that.

Will play "farmer in the dell" with children in honor of you today. We'll take pics. :)

At 12:05 PM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...

you can use html in these comments. hence the link. you can also drop photos in comments and do a bunch of stuff.

I tried to write out the code as an example but it just keeps making it a link. I will email it to you.

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Good stuff, Thanks much!
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