Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, how's that for an original title?
Like it???

Welcome to all of my wonderful friends who just joined in the fun. Hi Wendy! Hi Gina! Hi Kristy! Sorry that I send you a link to the blog and then don't update it. Usually I am better - you know how the holidays are... Oh, and if you (or anyone) want me to be able to know your email address to write you back you need to enter it when you write the comment. :)

So, I am not sure how I feel about New Year's Resolutions since they rarely seem to last longer then the month of January. Yet still I think reflecting on our lives and planning out improvements or enhancements is a good thing. Have any of you ever made a New Year's Resolution that lasted? Tell us about it if you have!!!

Instead of making a resolution this year I have decided to make a mantra. A simple sentence that I can repeat often (and I am sure to the annoyance of those who have to speak to me regularly!) and sums up the changes I want to make. So the mantra is....... drum roll please..... "Clean less - play more". Seem good? Don't get me wrong - it is not meant to be a selfish mantra at all. Playing more means playing with the kids, finding moments for me, and hanging out with Jeff. I don't know if any other SAHMs (or Working moms for that matter) feel this way but it seems like I am always focused on one cleaning project or another. AND i do NOT have an immaculate house. It is just the daily routine maintenance stuff. The repetitive sort of drudgery stuff that makes up a rather large part of my day. That's the stuff that has to give a bit. I am going back to Flylady, that will help. If you haven't been to that site, give it a look using the link. It's a good one.

Okay, so that's my mantra. Playing more means exercising too by the way. Yep, see I sneak all those resolutions into the mantra. So sneaky of me.

So what is your resolution?

I'll leave you with this photo... one of my favorites (taken by DH by the way) from the holidays. It's Ethan holding my one and only niece (for now anyway) Ruthie. Or as Ethan likes to call her, Baby Ruth.

Have a great week!


At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First post!!!! Should I explain to all your new readers that *first post* is a game we play to see if we can get a first comment on a blog? But in no way should the first post game affect subsequent posting. Please comment away! Bloggers love comments!
So - my first New Year's resolution is to knit more things using more than one color. My second New Year's resolution is to be a better person and my third New Year's resolution is to, well, uhm... learn better grammar! Did you know about the whole "hopefully" thing?

Anyway - I love your resolutions. I wish you had one about seeing your friends more (hint hint hint) but maybe that is implied? Let me know how flylady goes. Last time I did her, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of e-mails that she sends. Ack!

Love the photo of Ethan. I think Agent K is having Ethan withdrawl - she was telling us last night about how cute he is when between bites he sticks his binky back in his mouth:) It was a really cute story:)

At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi!! Its nice to see you posting again...I was missing your "insirational" words! I like the play more idea, but I wonder if my type A personality will loosen a bit. Miss you, and let's go scrapping soon....I need to see some of your beautiful layouts. Let's get together and go to Panera again for bagels.. the "E" and "E" will love it...hugs....

At 5:19 AM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...

Ethan is looking like a Matthew more and more!! Ha ha ha ...ny evil plan comes to fruition!!

complete projects.

At 5:20 AM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...

and less type-o's...

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

First Post WW - congratulations on your first posting! ;) I like your resolutions... what is the "hopefully" thing? (gee, I hope you come back and read this). And finally (bad grammar, prepositional phrase start) "play more" definitely includes seeing my friends more! Let's do a nap scrap! Quickly and soon! Or have Agent Withdrawl K come over and watch angelic boys while we crop the night away. Thoughts?

Which leads me into going to Panera with E and E and M. Let's go! It seems like ages since I saw you and we have much to catch up on. I have been a bad phone caller lately... not sure why.

And Matt.. yes, he does resemble you more and more. Handsome isn't he?! I like your resolution too. I can't tell you how many 90% done scrapbook layouts I have hanging around here. Finishing things is good.

Thanks for your comments!!! :)


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