Thursday, January 04, 2007

THAT"S IT! I am Having a Meltdown and That's FINAL!

Oh good grief and parsnip juice!

Really now, today is not going well.

I know, you (dear readers) most likely do not want to read a blog where the person rants and raves and complains. So this is your warning. STOP READING NOW. If you choose to go forward don't say you haven't been warned.

Let's just say my morning was not pleasant. I will spare you the gory details, but believe it or not my children do not all behave well all the time. Shocking I know.

Okay, so deep cleansing breaths get me through that. Then I speak to a very dear friend about her MOVING. Well, yes, I knew she was moving... but it is still sad to talk about it! Waaaa I am going to miss her. :( But we did make plans to get together, and she isn't leaving for a couple of months, so I'll stay in denial for awhile longer I guess.

More deep cleansing breaths.

Off to do errands and Walmart. Oy.

So, I am in WM and Ethan is pushing the cart and screaming (literally) if I try to help him steer. Lovely. So, of course, I bump into someone that I rarely see. There is a reason I rarely see her which I suppose you will soon glean. Anyway, I listen to her for awhile and try to keep E corralled. Not easy. Then our conversation takes a, um, turn. To properly tell you the story I am attempting to reproduce the dialog (which has been playing over in my head anyway), I'll do my best:

Obnoxious One (hence OO) - Sooooo (said dramatically like it is a pentagon secret) are you "working" yet?

Me - I work every day.

OO - No, I mean "real" work.

Me (with gritted teeth) - I stay home with the children and manage the house.

OO - Oh how nice (I don't believe she meant that either), what do you do with all that spare time?

Me - Well, I don't have much spare time....

OO - (interrupts) - ha, ha, I always laugh when SAHM's say that. As if you have to really be accountable or "do" anything with any kind of timeline.

Me - okay. (by now ethan was going bonkers and I was attempting just to leave)

OO - No really, what are you into now?

Me - well I love to scrapbook and do that when I can, I have a blog I li ...

OO - (interrupts) OH NO you DONT have a "brag" either. Do you? I just laugh at those things, like anyone comments on real things. They just put on perfect pictures and tell perfect stories and brag, brag, brag. Too much time on their hands I guess.

Me - Well then, I have to go get Ethan home for lunch.

OO - yes, he is acting tired isn't he (! bored silly by you you obnoxious wonder). bye

Me - um hum (refused to say bye to her, I was very annoyed)

So, Walmart was an exercise in frustration and annoyance.
I keep replaying my conversation with OO and thinking of all the things I should have said. Do you ever do that?
I apologize if this is like a "brag" - I guess since it is my forum I like to focus on positive stuff. There has been balance I hope.

Struggling between feeling annoyed and/or feeling defeated. It's not just OO either - just one of those days. Dangerous also because there are brownies in the house. As of now they are foiled up and in the microwave since I kept walking by and picking at them. I should have just had one - all the picking probably equaled even more then one.
Uh again!
I quit!
Can I quit?
Apparently I am a non working, can't control the children, lazy, brownie eating, bragger. Don't get much better then that!

(see, I warned you to stop reading!)


At 4:08 PM, Blogger Kim said...

OMG!!! You totally earned that meltdown, Honey. People like that aren't worth the oxygen they use or the space they take up. If she has kids I feel sorry for them.

And no, you're blog isn't a brag and I get aggreivated too when people act like it's stupid. And I enjoy your blog immensely, and I love doing mine (not that anyone ever reads mine anymore) but I do enjoy doing it and I wouldn't have been inspired to do it without yours.

As to the friend moving away, well, we know what that's like, don't we. But even that's okay, because even if they're far away, true friends are friends forever, I think we've proven that.

Alright, I'm going to run now. I have a wake to go to tonight, and I need to run to Target for shoes. I'll hopefully be posting soon so check my site out when you can.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

Ack, Egads, and Gadfreakingzooks!

I don't have time now to write any more expletives but you better gosh darn well know that I'm feeling rather protective of you at this moment!!!

Ack!!! We better stock up on bon bons and map out our game plan! People should not be allowed to get away with things like that!

More later, I'm sure...

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen, don't you listen to any such uninformed person. The Bible clearly says that being a mother is a woman's primary vocation. We are our children's first and most important teachers. You definitely work dear. I'm sure much harder than Miss OO! I love reading your blog. It always makes me smile. Scrapbook Bob also had a rough day. A school bus ran into his car in the school parking lot! Poor little red Subaru. So... he has a rental car while the car gets appraised and then fixed. See, it must have just been bad karma all around today.

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG I can see your face at WM!

You sure know how to make my diet coke spray!

Miss ya!

At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eek! that sounds wicked uncool of OO.

this is the first time that i've read your blog but i don't think it's a "brag" or whatever at all! People are entitled to their own space and to put whatever they want in their own space, and if that bugs Miss OO, then who cares what she thinks anyway??

At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That person has know idea what it's like to be a SAHM. It's one of the most important jobs in this world to stay at home and raise your children. It doesn't come with the paycheck, which at times I wish it did, but it has so many other rewards.

It sounds like that person is someone that has some shallow
values and is not worth listening too.


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