Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Will this summer EVER end???

Please pardon the title... but I am going BONKERS with this neverending summer! My children had twelve glorious weeks of it, fine, with the final countdown now going on (6 more days... 6 more days... 6... 6...) I am starting to look forward to next bleepin Tuesday already!

Yes, yes, we had a great summer.
Yes, yes, I loved having them home, sleeping in, and having less committments to worry about.
We got to see relatives we haven't seen in years - that was fabulous.
We got to see Nana and Pop-pop which is always great!
We had a lot of firsts and happily joined a lake with a beach for summer fun.
Mostly we were healthy and ........

OKAY! You have read the disclaimer! I know, I know I am blessed. Yes.
The following statements were uttered by my three blessings just over the past 2 days...

"Why can't I jump on the couch?"
"If I had a cape and jumped off the porch railing....."
"How did they have a baby if they aren't married? (!)"
"Yummy, no yucky" (after eating a pretzel found in the SANDBOX for goodness sake!)
"What if the cape was magic?"
"I'm telling....."
"Sticky, ewwww" (right before said sticky hand was wiped on MY shirt of course)
(why do I even bother getting dressed??)
"I can't find my shoes"
"I can't find my sandles"
"I can't find my flippies"
"Can I go barefoot???" (to the grocery store)
"What if the cape was really, really long?"
"Can Nana make me a long cape?"


the best one of all....

"mom, why can't we go to daycare like the "other" kids? they have more fun then we do!"
(at which point i was ready to call my mother and ask her for the number of the Indians she was always threatening to sell my brothers and I to!)(They'd be called Native Americans now Mom, but hey, you got that number? I may need it....)

Ah yes, summer.

Pictures of the "angels" included for your viewing enjoyment.

Happy Wacky Wednesday!


At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said it baby!

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - when M is done with that pile of wood, send him over my house! (Did Chauffer J finally get that tree cut up????)

At 11:00 PM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...

Gypsies. It was Gypsies not Indians that our parnets threatened to sell us to. I am not sure if that is still a socialy accepted term or not. These days probably not. Eastern European Curse Capable Americans?

How to reach the Gypsies:
according to Steven King (who is an athority on anything unusual I am told) Just go to the town fair. Look for the oldest most gnarly carnival worker (carnies) and mow him/her down with your car.
Soon you will find that you have a direct dialog with the gypsie camp and black market baby deals will come your way in bundles (no pun intended). Truly this is a lucrative way to make a few bucks. You should have more kids. Someones got to operate that Tilt-a-Whirl.

Possible side effects to killing the Gypsie Elder:
You may find yourself getting inexplicably thinner by the day but is that really a curse? If ya gotta go what a way! Your epitaph will say Here Lies Jenny, In a Very Thin Coffin. (I KID OF COURSE!!!!!!)
Also you may find that your favorite baseball team never wins again. Being from CT that shouldnt really be a problem. I mean the Cubs have been cursed for like 100 years and they still sell out games. So that one is live-with-able for sure. Sounds like a WIN WIN.

I say go for it. Run over that Fortune Teller and sell your kids lose weight at the same time! Make that money girl!!!

p.s. You can tell the little blessings that they can come live with me! H needs that reality dose i think.

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Jen, I've gotta agree with Matt... it was definitely the Gypsies that Mama K used to threaten to sell you to. Oh wait, you don't think she was going to sell me, too? Scary thought, that, but I doubt it. I always was her favorite. ;P

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

No, Matt and Kim... I am sorry to report it was most definitely the Indians she channelled. Now I will give you a possible pass in that by the time you were born Matt she had changed suppliers. It's possible. :)

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Are you sure? I can hear her saying it. Oh well, it was you who was up for sale.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Jen, the sad fact is, that no matter who you were being sold to, the Indians or the Gypsies, your posts are so bleepin funny, I don't know why I even bother blogging. I'm adding pictures to mine today and you will be sited in the credits, Honey. Talk soon.

At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does this post think that you have zero comments?

I have to say even though I didn't know you when I was growing up, I really think it has to be the gypsies because I've never heard anyone say that they are going to sell their children to the Indians. I also think that if you sold your son to the gypsies they could sprinkle fairy dust on his cape and then he could fly.

You know we can alway leave the kids at home and join the gypsies ourselves. I bet we could learn to play the tamborine...

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Now, I am not letting out the secret ahead of time but I will let you all know the controversy has been solved. I called the "seller of the children" and asked her to whom she threatened to sell her lovely, wonderful, always behaved children to. She answered me, but you'll have to wait for her to post her comment (coming soon I am told) to see who was right.. was it Matt and Kim... or me???

And joining the circus is a GREAT idea! Will they let me bring my scrapbooking supplies? I can be the Great Scrapini!!

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here it is right from the horses mouth: it was definately the INDIANS that I threatened to sell you to; having inherited said saying from MY mother who got it from her mother. Hey, maybe back then it was a REAL threat.
The only time gypsies were mentioned was when a certain youngest child thought that he would really LIKE to live with the Indians. So I gues b. matt does have some small degree of correctness on his side.

At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Which is nicer- kids or taking a 3 mile bike ride down a lovely country road....sorry had to rub it in..7:45am till 1:15 pm- geeze what should I do- sit and watch TV and eat bonbons? Well cant do the latter anymore, but..Manicure, Massage, Affair with hot cute neighbor- just kidding on all 3- 1st 2 have no $, secondly, no neighbor exists. BOY AM I LOVING THE LAST 2 DAYS!!!!

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh forgot, what about all those starving chinese/african kids along with selling us to indians (my mom said same thing), along with the guilt thing about finishing all on our plate

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like to say it might be more interesting to live with the Indians. Groovin on nature, eating lots of fresh fruit, making your own crafts (homemade paint, weaving, and clay pots were all ancient ancestors of the scrapbook you know) and passing the peace pipe at night by the fire. What could be better than that?

I do have some experience with the gypsy culture. I never mishbehaved enough to have to go and live with them but I was forced to dress as a gypsy for Halloween for SEVERAL years (thanks mom for your sewing talent and the genes that allowed me to grow at such a slow rate so that I was able to fit into 2 different gypsy costumes for SEVERAL years). Let me tell you, all the gold jewelry and flashy
clothes are not all that they are cracked up to be.

Mrs. K had the "right" punishment in mind, Indians are a much better choice, could have taught those K kids a thing or two! Maybe I will give them a call and see if they have any openings for my two!

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Okay, well, in my own defense, when I remember her saying it was the summer we did day camp and I stayed with you guys, in OB. Sooo, since that was obviously during Matt's phase of wanting to live with the indians, I guess I wasn't exactly completely wrong...I just wasn't remembering it from the same time as you. Incidentally, I asked my mom this afternoon what she thought it was, and she said "indians". Keep in mind though that severe head injury which did alot to scramble some memories of stuff that happened prior to the injury.

Alright I have a crying three year old dd. I gotta run. But I love all this contact with my adopted fam.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

Wow Jenny! I can't believe it! You ALMOST got to live with the Indians! If, indeed, you had, your children would have been papoose! Do you rember how Laura Ingalls was always so entralled with the Indian Papoose in the book Little House on the Praire? So cute! You should have misbehaved just a little bit more.


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