Monday, October 30, 2006

Scritch, scritch, scratch, crunch!

Okay, so it is 2am and I WAS asleep. Then I hear a rukus. Well a mini-rukus anyway! And let me tell you i was FREAKED. It was a scratching noise. Right under my window. I was home alone last night and let me tell you I have an overactive imagination when home alone.

So, after the scratching and scritching it gets quiet. I am debating if someone was trying to get into the door and now did and is in the house. I hear breathing on the stairs and very silent footsteps. I am deciding on an escape route and how to get all my children into one room with someone already on the stairs. I pick up my phone to make sure the power hasn't been cut to it. My finger is poised to call 911.

Then I hear CRUNCHING. Jeepers and Gehosaphats! There was a quiet burgler sneaking up my stairs and munching on something!

Okay, so then I start thinking the crunching is not quite in the house. Yet I am near paralyzed with fear. So I need to get to my kids (whose rooms are very close to mine) YET if there is no emergency I do NOT want to wake the lil'buggers and freak them out.

A dilemma.

I somehow decide the prudent thing is to rise out of bed and check. I turn on the light on my bed and didn't hear anyone run down the stairs - so I think I am good. I grab a pen from my bed (weapon doncha know - apparently I think I am a kung fu pen fighting ninja) and creep over to the stairs. Nothin. Turn on the hall light. Nothin.

Now, another dilemma. I know my kids are secured with me. There is nobody on the stairs. BUT what if the crunching scritch scratcher is hiding? {cause burglers do that doncha know} Then if I walk down into the darkness (yeah, the hall light was on... but I sound braver if you think of me creeping down into the darkness - work with me here!) the burgler will jump out and say "boo" and ....

So, I decide I should call IHA to come and check the house. Normally I would call my B.I.L. (he's bailed me out more times than one can believe!) but they moved farther away (sniff, sniff) and so I decide that IHA and Spinny are my best bet. {Do I think about the very nice POLICE OFFICER who lives right next door - nah - my sleep deprived brain just somehow forgets that I do have neighbors} I strongly considered calling Buck Buck, but wasn't sure if she was with or without offspring.

Did I mention that it was 2am?

Did I mention that I wasn't even sure if there WAS a problem or not?

So.... I somehow take a deep breath and decide NOT to bother the Spincerelys. (i am sure they appreciate this) I sucked it up, grabbed another pen (really, I did - now I was a fully armed kung fu pen fighting ninja) and went downstairs. Turned on every light.


No boogie dudes.

More crunching though. Coming from outside. I prudently decide that if there is crunching outside I don't want to know about it. Flickered my porch light a few times (to scare off the intruders! it's a kung fu pen fighter tactic!!) and went back to sleep. Eventually. Much, much later.

Fast forward to this morning. I forgot about the scritcher! I go on with my day. Ethan and I go out to play after Gymboree... I go to the front porch... WHAT? There are apples everywhere and apple pieces and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww bugs and yukkkkk!

You see, I had left a bag of apples on the porch (it was colder out there, I wanted them to stay good so I could make applesauce!) and well - the animals were happy with me. Don't know if it was racoons, but that is my guess.

I shoulda taken a picture - but I didn't think of it at the time. I cleaned it all up (with gloves on, didn't want my kung fu pen fighting hands to get racoon cooties) and washed and swept the porch.

Hopefully tonight will be quiet.

But just in case.... can I call you??????


At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are too funny. If you call at 2AM, I'll send our friendly neighborhood bear to the rescue. He will work for apples, just not broccoli.

Though, come to think of it, he may be too fat to take on a gang of raccoons.


At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to self from Spincerely: Remember to find out why upstairs ringer doesn't work in case really good friend calls in middle of night with emergency.

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps it was John Deer.

At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I have been checking your blog just waiting for a post to be updated on your family happenings since I NEVER seem to talk to you anymore! I think this post was worth the had me on the edge of my seat. I hope you have a more restful night tonight. Traveling husbands should be cursed and forced to clean up any front porch messes when they return!

At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have been waiting for the update on the croppin' weekend. This story was far more fun though! The farm girl in me thinks it was probably deer munching on your apples. Unless you too have a friendly neighborhood bear. Can't wait to talk to you! We need to scrap.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Wow, that was some night! R and I both were cracking up imagining you weilding a pen!! Anyway, of course you can call me... A fat lot of good I'll do ya from Jersey...but you can call. Do ya think G would be open to my sending him over to check things out for you? You know, he can just stop by real quick to check on you. Yeah..good luck with that. I'm sure he would if it weren't three hours away!

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

Look at you and your new blogger skills! Posting in yellow and posting photos you can click on to make them big! How do you do those things????
(btw, as Agent K was leaving for ccd, she encountered an opposum on the breeze way and wanted to know if we could keep him...if we don't keep him, I wonder how long it will take him to walk over to your house to make some funny noises tonight!)

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

"Besides, your saying it wrong.... it's L-E-V-I-O-S-A, not levoisa!" said Hermione.

"Besides, I spelled it wrong! It's opossum, not opposum!" said Spincerely.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Spinny, not for nothing, but I doubt Jen would've even noticed the spelling error. I love her like a sister, but a speller she is not.

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Well Howdy Ya'll! (can you guess what Max and Ethan are this halloween?)

We here at the ranch want to assure you Deere fans that it was not big munchers. I say this only because when the light was being flickered no BIG things came into view. Musta been little. Also the apples had distinctive markings like they were held and munched. (eww! flashback to cleaning porch!)

Fix that ringer please!
Yes, hubby cleaners!
Send G!
Send Hermoione!
Send in the Marines if need be!
No John (or Jane) Deers!
No bears!
No opossums!
All creatures must stay away tonight. I require sleep to get through Halloween intact.

Nice to hear from you all!
(ps - yes SBD we MUST scrap soon!)

At 11:38 PM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...


Well you know J...The pen IS mightier than the sword!!


At 11:43 PM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...

More Proof

At 11:45 PM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...

If you did that in the face of any intruder animal, vegitable, or mineral surely they would run in fear of your awesome prowess with a pen.


At 7:28 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Hey Lil' Bro!

Cool pen videos!! I knew I made the right weapon choice.

However I must let you know that IHA did side email me the "pen mightier" comment. But it's just you two guys who did! And I didn't even think of it either.

Very, very funny!
(click on b.matt's links if you didn't already - cool stuff)

At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welll...your finally back and with a whopper of a tale or is it tail (haha Icrack myself up). I know you arent going to like this, but you NEED A DOG!!!!
Said watchdog in my home would have looked inquisitively and went back to sleep, but it is better than a pen (ask Kyle about a Tae Kwon Do move with pens!) Call me- the phone is next to me and I was home alone this past weekend too. The horrible wind kept me up all nite!
P.S. Did a Spook Run 5k and was looking for u-I got passed by Elvis and Grapes of Wrath

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Spanky said...

Something's making noise?
Don't be afraid,use what's near...
Grab a pen, I say!

At 12:22 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Hey Jen, I just reread this post (I have to say it's one of your most entertaining) and I've come up with two questions...

1. Is your garage actually heated? (Keep in mind I don't have a garage and have never had one in my life, so it's entirely possible that this is a common thing to all garages, and I'm just ignorant of the fact. If this is actually the case, don't get exasperated with me, I'm garagically challanged)

2. Is your refridgerator broken?

If the answer to number one is no, wouldn't either of these be a better place to leave the apples to keep them good to make applesauce than the unprotected front porch?

Just a thought...maybe it's from the cold meds ;)


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