Sunday, September 24, 2006

Another One Bites the Dust

Oh dear, oh me oh my. My washer has finally bitten the dust. I have had this thing since I moved into my first home in 1994. And then it was old and left there by the people who owned the home before us.

This first picture is of DH's attempt to fix it. He has fixed it before. I have not been happy about the fixes. Truth be told I am sick of this machine. Too many times I have thought "YES! It's gone!" only to have Jeff revive it once more.

Well, this time it is gone. It no longer agitates. It just fills up with water and then the clothes sit in soapy water. Then it drains and spins. And here I was wondering why our clothes
have been looking dingy lately. So.... here is what is blowing my mind right now:

1. Just how long has it really been broken?

2. The mildew towel smell my friend mentioned TWO MONTHS AGO... was it happening already then.

3. Ewww ewww and double ewww!

Now, the next picture is worker man E trying to fix the washer. While his cuteness came close to doing the trick, it is still broke (phew!).

So then we really had to call in the reinforcements.

Hoops and YoYo to the rescue. They looked around, but had no success.

So, alas we spent two hours at the Depot today, but left with nothing. Turns out a new washer and dryer (did I mention my dryer has to run twice to dry anything?) is a pretty costly thing. Especially when I like this one
and I think DH would be happy as pie if we had a model more like these

So after some decisions back and forth, we decided... but then they wanted to overcharge us on delivery so we left with nothing. But now we have some ideas anyway.




At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have revived that machine way too many times. How many wives get mad at their husbands for fixing things? Last time I fixed it, spousal relations were withheld for an unconfortable amount of time. Let's just say the jeans in the washer weren't the only things that were blue. I have learned my lesson. I now know when something needs to be fixed and when it needs to be replaced.

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Wow, Jeff, it's nice to hear from you around these parts. I know it's a tough thing for you guys to learn when to just let things die, but it's okay now. The first step to recover is to admit there's a problem. ;) Gabe is the same way sometimes. And it's not that we get mad at husbands for fixing things, its just that sometimes you guys just have to realize when you're kicking a dead horse. And really, if you got the machine when you bought your first place and it was left by the previous owners, you guys have been married nearly thirteen and a half years and together for way longer than that, and your only just shopping to buy a washing machine for the first time you've really gotten alot of years of service out of it. I'd say that means that both your washer and dryer have earned their eternal rest and that your wife has earned her new appliances. My dryer is currently having issues of it's own, but it still works (eventually) so G hasn't gone down to figure out what it's problem is at this point. Anyway, happy shopping ;)

At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Crops a lot - were you just commenting on the racy nature of my e-mails today? I think you have your own problems at home on which you may need to think a bit...hum.... Also - I know know what color felt balls I'm making next...

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Hey Now DH!
You all better know he is kidding!! AND I had to erase some spam comments about male enhancement products after his... spammers must look for keywords (such as spousal...).

So, don't be offended DH of mine but if I keep getting SPAM from it I am going to have to delete.

And as for you "Blue felt"...Okay, I have no response. How does one comment to "felt balls" anyway?? And before any of you worry, I know who blue felt is, she isn't a spammer. We are just mutually busting each others blue felt balls. (hee hee hee - jesh this is a racy post tonight!)

And Kim my dear, thank you for your support! Now, can I come over and do my wash???

At 7:28 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Jen, if you want to come over and do laundry, come on over. In light of gas prices and the traveling distance between us, it'd honestly probably be cheaper to run to the laundromat, but that's up to you. Here I've got two kids to help entertain your three, and Gabe bowls tonight, so we could have a good long time to dish. So, what, I'll see you around 5 pm? ;)

At 7:31 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Maybe we should just bring the kids and the laundry and meet at a laundromat in NF or D? Hee hee hee...that's always a good halfway point.

At 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually really like Laundramats because you can do all your laundry at once! It is much quicker to do 3 or 4 loads at the same time than to do 6 or 7 throughout the day at home! Let's all meet and have a laundry party in Jenny's honor! Agent J walked by while I was reading your entry and she thinks the picture of E is very cute. Agent K walked by and she thought that E is very cute too and she commented on your avatar's haircut and chuckled over H and Y in the washer. It was kinda the sort of chuckle that means - our moms are strange though.
If anyone reading this has plans of hiring H and Y to do any of their home repair though - they should check with their better business place first because they have been seen in some compromising positions lately.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Spincerely said...

And I saw Clippy again on TV last night! I love his commercial!! It really cracks me up!!! I like the part where the little girl feeds the card to the clippys. She is so cute and she thinks it is so much fun to play with them.

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

My friends ROCK!
They are a funny bunch, guess that is one of the reasons I love them! And that goes for you too DH, very funny comment I must admit!

YOU simply MUST follow the link in the comment by Laundromat Lover. Just do it. Immediately. She is so funny. (not to mention techically savy, I am very impressed that she moved photos like that and feel she should at once call me and tell me how it is done so I can do it too!)(then we can all spend our days linking back and forth to eachothers blogs)

Oh and Kim... I'll see you in NF - what laundramat do you want to pick? (what? no Haiku about laundry machines breaking???)(hee hee hee)

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Give me a minute I'll come up with one... Speaking of which, Bob came up with some in the comments to the ones I wrote... Check them out. ;)

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Kim said...

At my Gymbo Art class this am, the kids were to make pretend coins out of model magic dough, then decorate them with sequin shapes. I had to show them how to roll the dough first into little balls and then smash them with their fist to make a flat coin. I do have to say that while I was showing them how to roll the peices of dough up into balls, Jen's dh's comment came to mi mind. I think you can guess what color the model magic dough was ;)


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