Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Just Some Fluff

Well, I really don't have much time (do any of us?) so I thought I'd leave you with some fun fluff facts and a little quizzy (those words - little quizzy - will make five people I know either groan or laugh).


2 zillion - number of times Ethan's nose needed wiping this past week
2.5 zillion - number of times he used MY pants or shirt as a tissue!
4 - people who were/are sick here over the past week
3 - number of children on ammoxicillin.
1 - strep throat
1 - ear infection
1 - could develop into pnuemonia
8 - number of pages done on a 10 HOUR crop (not so good)
10 - number of fun hours I had on that crop - who needs productivity to have fun!
$2.35 per gallon - cost to fill the tank this week
not enough - hours of sleep
2.5 - hours until... AMERICAN IDOL (can you say obsessive?)

On that A.I. note, have any of you seen "Grease - Your the One that I Want?" on Sunday nights? It is really a cute show. Much less making fun of, which is the part of AI that I don't like as much. I know that Grease is going to make me want tickets to see the show when it comes out... I guess that is their plan really.

So, for the quiz - click here to take the quiz and get your results too. I tried to post my results but had some strange blogger issue. My results were not surprising (it said I would make a good teacher!).

Happy Tuesday. :)


At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking in again. That OO b**** sounds horrid, but try not to let people bother you. Here's a new mantra, "they're just jealous".
Anyway, love the slide show. Cool stuff! And snow? What is that?
Sorry I didn't give my e-mail. It's ossiem@excite.com, same as always. Or you can reach me from my web site. Drop me a line sometime, would love to hear from you.
Happy New Year, Jen. Don't waste all your time on AI or Grease. It turns your mind to jell-o!
24 on the other hand, is a worthy waste of hours, 24 to be exact. :)

At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! Well, I'm sorry to hear about your pants and shirt. It is a good thing that you have that new washer and dryer that we have yet to hear about if you like them or not. (Hint hint-- that is a hint that your blog needs a good washer/dryer review!) Does this also mean that all your childrens are not back at school yet? I did see the end of that Grease show and I made a note to myself that it may not be awful to watch next week and that it may even be ok to record for the junior agents. I also took your quiz and posted my result in my quizzes page on my blog. Yes -- I have recently done some housekeeping with my blog pages. I someday plan to add a "100 things about me" page but first I have to start doing interesting things to write about!
Also - I just wanted to add that your first commenter (a really quick one -- I don't know how I missed that first post, darned bloglines!) links to a site about petsitting and her site sort of is the same as the name of my cats but spelled differently! We had Pause and Clause (though only Clause is still alive) and she has Paws and Claws!
Well - I hope everyone in your home gets well soon! Have a great evening

At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My quiz resulted in a long list of suggested "social" jobs the most interesting being dental hygenist and parole officer. The worst jobs for me would be as a truck driver or a farmer. Aw, shucks! So much for my planning to buy an 18 wheeler and move to that corn farm in Nebraska! I have Dylan home with a fever today. I hope he gets over it soon, the drone of the tv is already driving me crazy and it is only 9:30 AM! Talk to you soon.

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zach and I liked the quizzy! I was enterprising and he was social;we agreed with both. :>) Sorry to hear you are all ill. The Mulligan household has been also. Now I know why there has been no response to my email. I hope you all are feeling better soon. Word from Vermont is that the new semester and job are "awesome". Talk to you soon.

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, took your quiz and it said I would be a good Dental Hygenist, Librarian (Snort)Parole Officer ( could you see that one) or...a personal trainer...hmmm maybe..Sorry everyone is sick..I am getting over something myself. we need to get together!! Is that Gina from NF??? If so, Hi Gina its Kim also from NF....

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

Hey! Now you are disco dancing with a turtle! You rock!

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Kristy said...

Hey Jenny! The "little quizzy" got me too! I love to read your blog. Always makes me smile.

I think I need the same mantra. I do a bit too much "non-play." But I am working full time, and playing mom full-time too. And with 3 dogs in the house...well, things get a little crazy.

On that note, I did just join a Mommy and Me gymnastics class once a week for Ty and me to get out and meet other kids and moms. Since I work in an office by myself all day, we both don't have much interaction, except with eachother.

I started my own blog so that everyone could check out the cutest baby in the world...!! www.maisythedog.blogspot.com. You can also e-mail me at kristy5@charter.net. I check it everyday, but can't always respond right away. Ty is into everything...and very very speedy!

Love your slide show. I need to get back to scrapbooking. But just haven't made the time. I need to get a room set up for it. Then, I can do it when I have a few minutes here and there.

Talk with you soon! Love ya!

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turtle guts aren't pretty you know... (I know cuz my mom ran over a big one with her car once and then the neighborhood kids had a field day with the turtle jokes after that...)


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