Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy 2008!

Did all of you have a great time??

I have soooo much to catch up on, so many pictures. To be honest I didn't know where to begin or how to do the update. Pictures of the tree and decorations seem, well, just done now. So I will suffice it to say we had a wonderful Christmas. This weekend I will be putting away the decorations and I will miss them! Our house is not so decorated yet and seeing our family decorations out was just so cheerful and homey. Well - if I don't get that tree down soon it will just be a twig - so down it goes.

So now it would seem the thing to do is to list the resolutions for all to see. Perhaps we have the compulsion to share resolutions as a way of hoping for some cosmic accountablity. Hmmm? Along with the normal weight/exercise related things this year I am hoping to:

1. Get more organized - back to flylady for me. Also we have some family strategies that we will be trying including clipboards with daily chores listed to check off, snack menu posted on a whiteboard, star charts for all. You'll have to tune in for the pics and the details.

2. Get our "financial house" in order. Jeff and I have been reading these books by Dave Ramsey and his philosophy just makes sense to us. You'll hear more about it in a later post.

3. Blog and scrapbook more regurarly. As far as the blog goes I have an outline for the rest of January! This explains why, though I am exhausted from travelling and being up too late, I am blogging anyway!

4. Once again we will be going TV free after school through evening during the week. All - of - us. WHY we do this every year around Idol time is beyond me! Haruumph! While it is true that show is a phenomenal time waster... I enjoy it. We'll have to see if I can "earn" some TV time. At any rate we now have soccer kicking up a notch along with the swimming season so its not like we have all this evening free time anyway!

So those are my personal/family resolutions. Did you make any? Want to share? Feel free to comment away (I have a thing for comments).


At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Yes, all that Christmas stuff just seems so, well, yesterday now doesn't it? But really, if you have a tree photo, we wouldn't mind seeing it if you wish to share:)

I think you are right about the resolutions and accountability. We had a whole discussion at dinner about how New Year's resolutions (not revolutions) are different from things you give up during lent. They are 2 different animals. Resolutions are things that you want to make better. Lent sacrifices, are just that, things that you give up because you enjoy them just to make the sacrifice and you really don't have to tell anyone about them. But resolutions -- do they really exist if you haven't shared them? How will you be accountable? Anyway you have 4 very good resolutions and I can't wait to learn more about all the stuff that you said we will hear more about!

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, now everytime I put any comment on here, it never shows up, so here goes. I KNOW I am not THAT severely ungeeked. Here is my big one: a TRI in 08. Swim-Bike-Run.

I too had a hard time putting the Christmas stuff away and thus, waited longer than usual to put it away.

Heres to a happy,healthy 2008 to you and your family!

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you going to faint? I am checking your blog AND I am posting! I miss you soooo much. I enjoyed spending time with you here on your visit. My resolution? To continue last years! Oh about 57 more to go! See ya! Becky


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