Friday, September 01, 2006

PACK - a four letter word!

The next time somebody annoys me greatly I think I am going to say go PACK yourself! Instead of the more popular word that starts with "f"and rhymes with "duck" (can you tell I am a teacher or what? like you all didn't know what the "f" word is!!). Yes, in my mind anyway "pack" is the worst curse you can utter to anyone!

Okay, it's like this ... we are packing to go away for two measly nights. That's it. Two nights. Five people. Should be do-able right?

Well.... here we are mid-morning (huh, guess we're not leaving at 8am) and I am hiding on the computer, children are getting dirty outside, and DH is getting annoyed trying to fit our three suitcases, 2 beachbags, 2 bikes, toiletry bag, toy bag, games bag, car fun bag, snacks bag and us in the car. Go figure. Wish I could do a "beam me up Scotty" at a time like this I tell ya.

So here is what they're uttering today:

*"What! How many toiletries does a ten year old need?!"

*"Still can't find my sandals"

*"I neeeeeeeedddd ALL my matchbox cars"

*beeeeep, beeeep (2 year old is in the car "helping" daddy... daddy sure loves when he blares on the horn!)

*"Thought we were leaving at 8:oo" (me being sarcastic... naughty me!)

*"WHY can't I bring 3 pairs of shoes (3 pair! 2 nights?! aaaarrrrggghhh)

*"Has Nana made my cape yet?"

*"Mommy, can I pour more lemonade in my cup, some spilled out in the car" (um, yeah, we haven't even left yet and there is a spill, yep)

*"Daddy is taking the sand toys out of the car!!!"

*"Who buys all this sh*t?!" (utters DH as he cannot possibly fit it all in the car)

Okay, and I keep thinking the lyrics to the Gilligan's Island theme song (a three hour tour, a three hour tour) (by the way... you MUST click on the blue underlined link, you will love where it takes you - for those new to links, click on the underlined Gilligans... really just do it)

So here are the questions of the day:

1. Will we ALL make it into the car?
2. Alive? (just kidding, now calm down)
3. Who is going to forget something critical that we have to go back for?
4. How many spills does it take to get to the end of DH's patience?
5. Will we make it to our destination today? or give it up and leave tomorrow?

For the answers to these and other exciting questions you will have to tune in to the blog after the long weekend. If I never post again... you best call someone to investigate where DH buried my body!

(hee hee hee hee - really DH is doing pretty well under the circumstances, and he is a very good DH)

Finally since I couldn't post E's picture last time (due to some strange blogger issue) I am posting him here in honor of sand and surf.

Be safe and enjoy your holiday weekend! :)


At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record of your favorite authors' name is spelled is Evanovich not Ivanovich...I know this because you got me hooked on her books.
Guess Who!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

What a great post! I laughed a lot, cried a little and then yelled at my children so I could finish reading in peace! Seriously. The Tootsie Pop commercial made me cry just a bit. They don't make commercials like that anymore! I do hope you survive your trip and I will really miss you if you don't make it home. Oh, and one more thing - the toiletries part made me laugh because when we were packing for our trip - everytime I said the word "toiletries" Jade would crack up, "Toy-ul-let-trees" she would say "he hehehehe."

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh the family car trip. All I think about is National Lampoons Family Vacation...but seriously- do they make muzzles for kids? just kidding! How about drugs -drug them all till ya get there??!!! All I can say is: Remember MI trip 1 1/2 yrs ago? 5 children 2 adults one stuffed gassy(rhymes with..nevermind u get it!) minivan...The real question is ...what will your kids remember of this trip??? Enjoy!

At 5:33 AM, Blogger B.Matt Kubinski said...

JenJen. E is so cute. Seriously what do you feed that kid... cuteness serum? That level of adorability should be illegal. or at least require government registration like Bruce Lee's fists or something.

I'm liking your links. The star trek one was very cool. You’re getting pretty savvy at this bloging stuff huh? Now you just have to learn the embed html code so you can make the whole blog play Gilligan’s Island.

I put up a nutty puzzle on my blog, when you get a chance try to crack it. Good luck.

Have a cool weekend! H and I are going to her Nephews 4th bday party! I plan on jumping on (and thereby destroying by irreparable puncture due to weight stress)the rented moon jumper. I did it last year and by gum, I'll do it again. It’s amazing what bush light can do for the judgment and how a giant deflating clown looming over 4 year olds can really make them cry. Babies.

p.s. If you like that game I can post it here for ya.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Kim said...

A belated comment on this, as I was busy packing for our last trip when you wrote it. First, I agree that pack is definitely a four letter word. But you have to keep in mind, we camp every single weekend from mid-April thru mid-October, and every single weekend I pack us up. I bring the stuff home, wash it, fold it and pack it again. It's gotten to the point that my three year old dd actually thinks that the act of folding laundry is in fact called packing. Does that tell you anything? And do you think it's made me more organized? Nah...


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