Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Countdown Begins

Good morning!
Well, I am beginning this post at 4:30am on Father's Day. Happy Father's day to all!

I know my last post was sad... so I wanted to be more postitive in this one. As we pass milestone after milestone here (last soccer, last karate, Graduation, etc.) and they get checked off I realize - wow, we are going ... I better DO SOMETHING.

Whew! Being "home alone" for so long (seemed like forever) got me waaaaay behind. This would be okay, but the movers will be here on Wednesday. Yipe! Though I am going to try and blog from time to time over the next week I can't promise it. Yipe, yipe, yipe!!!
Saying goodbye to so many people, hard. I will just leave it at that.

Since I want to avoid telling you all that my heart is breaking over this (oops, spilled the beans!) I am going to a funny photo that speaks for itself and should give you a smile (you should have seen his feet! - note to self, hide markers when making beef stew....!). Have a happy week! :)


At 1:50 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

Wouldn't that just be so cool if the whole answer to life was just "beware the beef stew?"

E is just soooo cute! My favoritist little boy ever!

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

Good luck with the packing. Yuck. I wish you and the kids well on the move out west!



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