Friday, September 21, 2007

What Was I Thinking?!

Hi All!
Okay, I have recovered from my tooth surgery, it was not fun - but it's done.
Thank you for your well wishes! :)
Celebrated the big thirty something.
Not funny.
(i can hear you chuckling, just stop)

That said, I am going to ask you a favor.
Could you please send me, either via blog or private email, your birthday and the birthdays of your family members? The reason I am asking is as all of you know I am without most of my "stuff" since I am not in the new house yet. Well, among that stuff is my birthday book. I really miss it! I would love it if you could send the information to me. Don't assume I remember someones, assume I have no brain and forgot. Yep. Sad but true.

Oh, you are wondering about my title are you?
Well, if you are drinking prune juice right now I suggest you swallow it before you read on, I don't want to be blamed for prune snorting.
All set?
Okay, it's like this.
The other day a dear friend mentioned in some other context that all of her children make fuss when they need shots at the doctor and it embarrassed her. Okay, I gave sympathy. That's not the problem. The problem was that I thought, and just for a fleeting second, "oh, I am lucky the kids are all pretty good at the doctor". Then I IMMEDIATELY knocked on wood, threw salt over my shoulder, kissed a four leaf clover and rubbed a live rabbits foot {"slight" exaggeration for effect, but you get my point}. I just KNEW even thinking it I would jinx myself.
Sure enough.
A few weeks go by.
I forget my little potential jinxing.
Ethan gets sick (me too by the way).
I drag his butt to the doctor.
New doctor.
As in, never met the woman.
Unfortunately the only time they had was 4:10.
Now, you moms out there know that right after school and before dinner is the "witching hour". I was pushing my luck anyway. I knew it, but no choice.
So, me and the gruesome threesome enter the office.
Remember, never met this doc.
Want to make a good impression......
First, Ethan gets on scale to get weighed, Max keeps putting his foot on it.
Nurse looking a bit "pained" but attempting to grin.
Get into a room.
Two chairs.
Four people.
uh oh.
Run for the chairs.
I win (just kidding, but I did get a chair since I had forms to fill out)
Max is without chair, so hops onto the WINDOW LEDGE.
nurse walks in at that moment.
Informs me that sitting on the ledge is "not safe" and perhaps he could get down.
Ya think?
Like I put him there?
I get him down, turn towards Ethan on the table, he hops back up!
Nurse looks at me like I need SuperNanny and fast.
Get him down AGAIN whilst gritting my teeth and making my most meanest mommy/teacher eyes "your gonna get it" combo {are you visualizing this?}.
This does not impress him.
Nurse leaves unimpressed with my parenting. Doctor comes in. Max goes UNDER the FREAKING examining table! WHAT?! Has this ever been okay???? Have I been unsuccessful in imprinting my behavioral expectations on his boy brain? Clearly we know the answer to that one.
So, he is noisy and rolling around under there and the doctor is attempting to talk over him (which I hate) and says she doesn't mind that he "plays" under there. Lovely.
Hmmmm... yes - so he now thinks all is hunkey dorey and we aren't paying attention to his antics so he GRABS ETHAN'S FEET! Can you believe it?! Where does he get these things? I have to grab Ethan to keep him on the table. I lean over, whisper {teeth gritting again} "you are going to bed the minute you get home if you choose to keep this up". Little did he know either way that was his ultimate location. He improved a bit. Doctor left, more chaos ensued. He is punished and wrote apology letters to all he impacted (including me).
Can you believe it?
All true!
See what happens when you think, even for a moment, you are all set in one area. I'd rather have those who fuss with shots! Egad, what a day!


At 12:17 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

Ok, I'm sending them over. No backsies!

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

Actually this is a really funny story. I'm sorry, however, that it had to happen to you... Hope Ethan is better:)

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Kim said...

I'm right there with you honey. My mom always volunteers to come along and keep one kid in the waiting room while I'm in with the other kid. Of course, it has always ended in a fight between she and I as I never fail to handle something incorrectly (in other words, I handle something in a way different from the way she would've handled it). And of course she loves telling me I'm wrong, in front of my children, which of course goes miles in helping me keep their respect and obedience. Ugh. I know I should be glad of the help, but I have to say at least for me, it's just as bad when she comes along to help as it is when she doesn't, just a different kind of bad.

They have a new thing here, that's a really cool idea. Honestly I wish I'd thought of it. It's a drop-off day care. What you do is, you register your child for the year for $35. Then, you can bring them and drop them off any time for an hourly fee (around $8 - $10 an hour depending on the time of day and how many kids your dropping off). They have activities, like a preschool type thing in the daytime and they serve pizza and show videos on Friday and Saturday nights, so Mom & Dad can have date nights. I have a friend who has enrolled her son and she says it's great. It's all run by teachers and nurses etc. Like I said, I wish I'd thought of it.

Anyway, I hope Ethan is better, we've had the cold from you-know-where going through the house. I've got it now, and hopefully this is the end of it.

I'll email with the b-day info, but I know you'll never forget Gabe's.


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