Monday, August 13, 2007

AND the winner is....

Here's the new home! She is still a bit "undressed" at the moment, please pardon her appearance!
Here's the side view. We have the corner lot and our property goes all the way to the road. At this time the land behind the house (you see the woods, and then eventually there is a field) is not planned to be developed. Maybe in the future, but we'd still have a BIG buffer of woods and there is so much other developing before they'd even get to that - it would be years from now. By then I can build up quite the evergreen natural barrier (since apparently when a house is directly behind mine it tends to make me feel a big lack of privacy).

So, here we are.
We picked the smaller of the two school choices we had.
See those two windows at the bottom of the house? Those are "daylight windows" which lend themselves to a finished basement. WHEN you come to visit me you will likely have that view! (hee hee hee) The house is a five bedroom, so we do have a guest room. Still, our plan is to finish the basement pretty quickly so we can have a guest room with a bathroom down there and a playroom too. Then the fifth bedroom will become my designated studio! Whoo hoo! It may need to be a partial office too, but it is still an improvement over my (much loved) scrapbook closet!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Lets see, what else....
There is a really gigantic pantry in this thing, like you never saw one so big! The downstairs has one long room from the front to the back of the house with a vaulted ceiling (so big around here). It is technically the living room and the dining room, but we will keep it all family room. Then there is an eat in kitchen with a slider to the patio, a wonkin pantry, and a laundry room (vs. laundry closet... man I'm movin on up!) and a half bath. Upstairs are the five bedrooms, not too huge but adequate and two full baths.

We really love the lot we got. It is HUGE (for MI but CT people would not think so) by the development standards (great for resale) and is on the corner. The street you sort of see in the second picture (what makes the corner) is not really a street at all but a snow plow off. Around here there is a LOT of snow in winter (but not "sticky snow" or so I am told) and in the new developments there has to be a designated place to push the snow. That little road (which ends at the tree line) is for snow. When there is no snow there it is designated as our tennis court!!! Somehow I also think that Max will love the giant snow piles formed there. Let's hope they don't make me a nervous wreck.

Well, now you are updated!
We have been enjoying not house hunting for a change!

One strange side effect though was that the purchase of the home triggered a home sickness effect in both Jeff and I. It was a sort of sad weekend. I think the finality of it is hitting home. Still we purchased wisely with resale in mind so I don't know why we felt the change, we just did. And with both of us down - whew, it was a loooooonnnngggg weekend.

We are very excited to be purchasing so early in the houses life. We get to pick siding, cabinets, counters, flooring, the works. Cool.

Now, you may wonder when she'll be done.......... November! Yes, that is the rather large down side to this one. I really miss my stuff. I will need to buy the kids more clothes (we didn't pack for school or winter - no winter coats, boots, etc.). Still I think the three months will fly by once the kids are in school and have their normal hectic schedule. And oh yes, I will be driving them to school and picking them up every day until November 15th. Should be a thrill. Didn't I move here to drive less?????? Yet we are registered for school now, Abbie has started soccer, and we are on the final three week countdown. I have never been so ready for school to start, ever!

I miss you all.
Take care and enjoy the rest of the summer! :)


At 6:45 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Hey Jen!

Wow! It seems like you're hard work has paid off. I'm so excited for you guys. I actually read the post late last night and wanted to comment then but I was so tired and I had to go to bed because I have jury duty this morning (ugh). Anyway, I still mangaged first comment position, so it's fine. Congratulations! I can understand having the blues at the finality of it, because things are different now, but different can be just as good if not better. I think you guys will have a great life in Michigan, and it has to be so nice to have your parents so close by. And for Heaven's sake, I can just see Max conquering that snow pile! And how nice to be moving in in November, just in time to get it all dressed up for the holidays (I know how you love doing that and you'll have a fresh palate to work with this year, what fun!). We really have to find time to catch up by phone, although I'm hopeful that tonight or tomorrow night I might actually be able to post to my site to get everyone up to speed. It's been an interesting summer around the Strojny house. Have fun choosing tile and all that good stuff. Right now I'm off to do my civic duty (again, ugh) armed with a copy of HP and the Sorcorer's Stone. I've always meant to read it, here's my chance. Talk to you soon.

Love ya~

At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! A brandy new house even. I'm so happy for you guys. Getting to customize the house will let you make it more "you" right from the start. Are the kids excited to each have their own room? I will be awaiting pictures of your dream scrapbook room in the future.(mine still looks like the remains of TSC!) I hope you get to enjoy some much deserved relaxing, now that the house hunt is done. I'll be watching for the play by play progress. Miss you lots. Talk to you soon. Love SBDeb

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I am sooo glad for you! Pics look nice! ANNNNDDD you thought about RESALE...Smart you are thinking well- I approve :)..Just one little suggestion I have- can't resist- consider having an inspection BEFORE you move in just to make sure builder did everything right...Yes, next Realtor tip on next blog...Can't wait to see the color schemes you pick out- Central Air??? Tile/hardwoods??

And, by the way in CT, yes, CT they used to push the snow up on our Corner lot (in NF), and I have fond memories of trying to sled down, make forts, tunnels, etc. Max and his little brother will really enjoy!!

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Agent J,
I love the house! I can't wait to visit.I'm really missing you, Ethan, Max and Abbie. Good Luck!
-Agent K

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

I just want to know when you are going to start booking reservations!

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

Congrats on the new home purchase. I think it would be great fun to pick out all the stuff. So cool! Enjoy it!

Not much going on here. Just back to work and apartment hunting. Oh, I guess that would be a lot, huh? But it's a good thing. I'm looking forward to settling into my new digs. Will keep you updated.

Talk with you later!


At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi!! I miss you..
email me,,,my old hard drive crashed so send me off your email.


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