Thursday, August 23, 2007

What We've Been Up To

Hello there! How are all of you? I hope everyone is squeezing the last bit of torture - oh! I mean enjoyment out of the summer. ;)
Here's what we've been up to...

Teaching youngest to enjoy gambling for tickets and punching rubber duckies (ie: I have plenty of Chucky pics for at least 3 layouts) {yipe!}
Here's how the house is progressing. Above is the upstairs, can you spy Max in the photo? You are looking at the bedrooms from the location of the bedroom over the dining area. I THINK this will be Abbie's room, but no promises have been made just yet. Below you see the house is now dressed! The bottom is due to have stone work put on - and then fully dressed house!
Do they have a PGA tour for bowling? (hmmm... I think PGA may be for golf.....)

Here we pose with the lovely bowling ball. Note earrings match braces! Abbie did great bowling as did they all. There were some arguments about who would be helping Ethan (both of them wanted to - bicker, bicker, bicker) but overall a really fun time. Even Nana came with us!! AND GUESS WHO WON FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN HER WHOLE LIFE?! Me, me mmmeeeeee! Yes, I am "J" and it took playing against children, my mom, and using the bumpers but I finally got a score with three digits. Whoo hoo! {ah hem, for those of you thinking I jest you must not have played with me yet - let's just say I have a lot of room for improvement, but hey love those bumpers!}
Sorry for my lack of content today. Just giving you some quicky updates. We are off to Chicago for the weekend to see brother Matt and sis in law Heather and go to the aquarium (and YES i will be going to Archivers too in case your wondering).
Coming soon - it's my BLOGIVERSARY! We are having a big contest here, I've been blogging for a year. Next post baby! Mark your bloglines and keep checkin in. Prizes and everything. Also likely some Chicago pics comin your way.
So, what's new with you?


At 7:27 PM, Blogger Spincerely said...

Hello there!!! Your house looks loverly! I am wondering, however, if it is dark green or dark grey or neither of those? I just can't quite tell. I like how it has different textures though. I really don't know why, but I had it in my little head that it was going to be dressed and wearing light/baby blue... Hummm, but this color goes better with its eyes. Also, from looking at the trees, you could be in CT. Hummmm... how do we know just where you really are? OK, I'm sure I will have more later, but just wanted to write the first comment! Whoo hooo!!!

At 10:47 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Score comment number 2 for me! Yes there is a Pro Bowling Association, and Gabe is pretty sure that it is the PBA which would of course make more sense than PGA, seeing as there's actually no "g" in Bowling. ;) Anyway, I'm right there with you on the bowling thing, the only possible way I can even do well is with bumpers, and I had to marry into a family where they all bowl (even the women). Oh well. We're happily celebrating Gabe's dad's recovery from heart surgery, and getting ready for another busy camping weekend. I'm charging the camera tonight so I can upload the pictures, so I can blog again. Maybe tomorrow night. I have a meeting on Saturday morning and since I have to work Friday night it's silly to drive all the way to the trailer and then be back at work for 8 am, so Gabe's going up without us, my mom is keeping the kids and so tomorrow, hopefully after work I'll have some blog time! Yay!!

The house is looking great. Can't wait to see her when her ensemble is completed. Been wanting to call, but never sure when is a good time. I really miss you.


At 10:49 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Oh...wait a minute, I guess there is a g in bowling...duh. But still I don't think they use the last letter of words in anagrams, do they? So, I guess we both had a duh moment there. Oh well...

At 7:10 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Hey Spinny!
To answer your question, the house is green with gray/green shake shingles on it. It will have lighter stonework on it. I think my first choice of house would have been cream - but the house just two down was that color too and somehow it just felt too matchy matchy to do that. We would have had the same colors of everything. so, though it was not my first choice I am content with the green. Also I had like zippo time to agonize over it since we had to pick siding colors the day after we closed - and by 8am! That was a tricky decision i tell ya.

Hi Kim! Glad to hear your FIL is doing well. Looking forward to seeing your updated blog. :)

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the house! Ethan looks so cute! Missing you!
Agent K


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