Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year one and all!
I had a wonderful time ringing in the new year with great friends. Really enjoyed dancing, I get to do that so rarely. I have such wonderful friends and family (including the three different families who each took one of my children so that we could have this night). Don't know how I got so lucky... love you all!

I have a lot to share with you, but tonight I have very little time. Something I wanted to write about in a timely fashion.. the "One Little Word" for 2010. If you look at January 09 you will see my posts about it then. This is actually year three for me.

So here is what Ali Edwards wrote on her blog (she is the scrapbooker who started this particular project): http://aliedwards.typepad.com/_a_/

Basically you want to choose a word that is meaningful to you. Sort of a resolution type of word, or maybe a mantra would be a better definition. Two years ago I chose the word, "move". I made a canvas (as did many of you) to show the word. Here is a link to what I did (note you have to scroll to the bottom to see it). Last year I chose the word "believe". Last years word did not feel as successful to me as move did.

So - I am still waiting for my word to come to me. I find if I just relax about it then the perfect thing eventually occurs. I am sad lately (missing people) so too many negative things are occurring to me - and that won't do! So I'll wait and see.

Do any of you have your words yet? I know Laura does! Maybe if you share your words, and your reasoning if you are comfortable doing so, then it will inspire me.

More soon - have a great week!


At 3:09 PM, Anonymous matt k said...

My word is FOCUS.
some other good ones:

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Agent Rejuvenate said...

I'm thinking Rejuvenate.
I was chatting with Dave and I said how about Renovate and he said how about Redecorate and then he said what about Rejuvenate. And I said - Yeah - prefect! Both for me and my house (and my husband, hahaha.) My house is 10 years old this month and we are married 20 years this October. Do you know we still have the same stupid dishes? Yes - we need lots of rejuvenation (and I won't even comment on my hair! Ack!!!).


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