Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Wheels!

Can you believe that tomorrow my little guy turns five???!!! I still can't believe that next school year I will have all three kids riding the bus. Seems crazy fast. Here is Ethan modeling his birthday present that we got over the weekend. He is soooo stoked for his big bike (it should last for a couple years, there is a nice amount of room to grow)! He does a great job on it too.While in the bike store getting Ethan's bike Jeff led (dragged) me over and showed me this new lavendar Trek. I am the only "trek free" member of the family so..... yep - I got it! I must admit I loooovvveee it! We took a neighborhood spin and it was the most comfortable I've been on a bike. I had been riding Jeff's or Abbie's when needed (and that was rarely) so it makes sense that having one fit for me helps. My goal is to get stronger on it and then hopefully use it in a triathalon... or a duathalon (the swimming...must work on the swimming). Then I have hopes of a family bike trip to Vermont. Someday. :)
Here I am posing ... sorry I had no lavendar or purple to wear to match the bike. It's not a big color in my wardrobe, although I like it.

In other non bike related news... these little froggies are back! We love to see them. They are not as plentiful as near my parent's house but we still get a few. Does anyone out there know anything about them? They are veeeery tiny. Adorable. {no frogs were harmed in the making of this photo shoot... photos by Max by the way}
Off to make dinner (sloppy joes made with ground turkey on whole wheat buns, cantelope, carrots, and cucumber) and break up a water fight that is getting out of control in the yard. Ethan (shown here making cookies) says "hey YOU, leave a comment!" ;)


At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen I have a TREK also! How many speeds??? You look soo good! Post more pics you are lookin' good!!

At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Really? said...

Ur going on a family bike trip to Vermont!!!! I hope you don't have to go up my sister's driveway. That would not be pretty!!! hehehehehe

At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Aunt Barb said...

Gosh, it's been so long since I left a comment that I can't remember my Google name. Life is hard!

I was just noticing that Abbie is looking more like her dad's family as Steph started doing at that age. She's gorgeous and what a smart and disciplined girl, too!

Ethan's adorable - tell him I wouldn't dare not leave a comment with that fierce look he's

Did Max boogie board a lot at the Jersey shore? Stephanie sure had fun there!


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