Thursday, December 10, 2009

THE Catch Up Post

Nothing since June... that's pretty bad! I had to update my avatar, my profile, and lots of other stuff. Serves me right! Ever since I found out that Meme (hi Meme!) checks regularly and would prefer not to see Fred (go back and read if you don't know...) I have been meaning to update. So here's a brief synopsis month by month... (i know, by the way, that I overuse those three dots... not sure why... a grammatical flaw I suppose...). So, the very quick and just one highlight per month....

In July we attended a wedding. It was lovely.
In August we had some first time visitors to Michigan and we took them everywhere!In early September we visited Uncle Don and Aunt Drina and got to see the New Jersey shoreline for the first time in almost four years. We miss the ocean a lot living here. In October we had a crime fighters Halloween. The littlest SWAT police officer, the power of good ninja and of course Batgirl all made sure the neighborhood was free of all wrongdoers (and candy - we had TONS)!We had a lovely Thanksgiving with wonderful family. Missed those who weren't with us, but rejoiced in our many blessings.
So, there you have it. We've done many many many other things through the months of course and ideally I will go back and get to those things. I really need to show you football playing Max for example. That said, this month I am working on a scrapbook called December Daily which you can read about here if you are interested. I want to start posting about our december. So, now that I feel caught up with everything else - stay tuned for the tree getting and tree decorating. Today was a snow day here and finally we are full of home decor. The snow has been amazing and non-ending today. Literally. Since Jeff worked from home, and I didn't have to worry about his driving in this I actually had a really great snow day. We all did. Sick or not (and most of us are). So I will leave you with this one VERY current picture (hours ago) and the promise of more. Stop back in when you can. Leave a comment if you're up to it. I hope you all stay healthy and safe in the wacky winter weather. Take care!!!

(The view is off my front porch showing you the hood. Can you tell how bleeping much snow we have?! Nearly a foot by now I am sure!)

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At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo Hooo!!...First comment. I miss you!!! So glad to get the update, sounds like you are doing well. We are all well, busy but well. Will you be back East for Christmas at all? Love you!!SBDeb

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Agent Please Go Ahead and Use the Ellipses I Promise I Won't Call the Authorities said...

Thank you so much for showing the snow picture. I'm so a fan of knowing what is going on at other people's homes:)

Anyway, I think you (and I, too) have been sniffing a little too much Mod Podge... We are definitely on the same wavelength though as I posted this a few days ago on Facebook (It was in a list of tips on Netiquette):

"13. What's with people who use ellipses... throughout... their e-mails?

Either they're high and can't complete a thought, or they're under the mistaken impression that it's a legitimate use of punctuation. Ellipses signify a break in a quotation, or perhaps a trailing thought for dramatic or comedic impact. Using them after, or in the middle, of a bunch of sentences is bewildering to read and signifies that the sender is either an ignoramus or is sniffing glue."

Seriously... I have no problem with ellipses. I use them all the time. I think it is just to give the reader a little room to think about what they are reading while I think about what I shall write next. Right? But maybe they are right... it could be the Mod Podge.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wedding was beautiful thanks to you, Sweetie!!


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