Saturday, December 19, 2009

December Daily

Good morning!
Well, I woke up to snow, which is a pretty regular occurrence here after all. Not sure what accumulations are supposed to be - but it is supposed to snow most of today and tomorrow too. The ESm from H is watching happily. He is hoping we build him some minions to help spread his snowy terror. He is like one solid block of ice - I figure he's here to stay until April or so. So I got a little behind with my posts to you. We've been very busy. Friday was the kids last day of school of 2009 - and those of you with kiddies I'm sure can back me up that the few days leading up to vacation are CRAZY. And to top it off we had a sport practice every night this week. That doesn't happen all winter - but whew! This week was a doozy. To top of the craziness of it all Jeff was out of the country and my parents were away too. So... I was TOTALLY alone running all over the place. Add a band concert to the mix as well. So, you perhaps see why my blogging time was minimal. Jeff's back for the rest of the month now, so in theory things should be smoother. Also we have two more sports days (today and tomorrow) with a swim meet today (that could get cancelled thanks to this lovely weather) and a soccer game tomorrow - and then we're done with sports for this year too. Whoo hoooo!!!

So, I am working on a December Daily book that I put a link to in an earlier post. I am not totally current with it - but I have some pages done. The point of this album is to take a picture or two a day to document your December. I had the album "made" in November. The pages were done with the numbers ready. No embellishments were added, you put them on as you add the pictures. Here are some of the pages done - I'll go backwards and get the rest. The number you see on the page corresponds (or close) to the day we did the activity.
First snow in the picture above.
This is one of my favorite pages (above) I like the shape of the page. The point of the album is to have unusual and differently shaped pages in there. Sort of an eclectic look. I tried. My color themes for the album were pinks and the colors that compliment that. If you are a scrapbooker you know how many Christmas products out there lately have pink somewhere in their base, that's why I chose it.You've seen this picture before, decorating the tree. This is actually a two page layout with the picture below on the other side. To do the picture below I took a close up shot of the tree and had it blown up to 8x10. Then I cut it down to the size of my book (loosely 8x8) and backed a picture of the done tree on black. Then I popped up the small tree pic using popdots. This is my favorite page so far. It looks better "live" then in the pic.
The picture below is of the day we sent out most of our Christmas cards. Did them in batches this year for time related purposes! Anyone else do that?
Then on the twelfth was Ethan's gymnastics meet.
And the next day Abbie had an indoor soccer game. The picture is of she and her coach.
And there you have it! That's pretty much what I have done so far. I need to catch up a bit. Maybe on this snowy day. Now that school is done I feel like we can relax and enjoy the days leading up to Christmas. What are your plans? If you live on the east coast I hear you are about to get quite a bit of snow... be careful and safe and enjoy!!! :)


At 12:24 PM, Anonymous I Would Never Decide to Paint the Week of Christmas said...

There is a fiber artist called Spunky Eclectic - maybe we can call you Croppy Eclectic now!

These are wonderful pages! I'm still a bit perplexed on how they are all going to be attached together in a book but I'm sure I'll get to see it someday, right?

We ended up only having about 4 inches of snow here. This was a "flipped" storm for CT where the southeast part had more snow than the northwest which is very rare. I think the forecasters hit an all-time low in their accuracy for this storm. They were late in predicting it and then every forecast was different and constantly changing.

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Me Again said...

Oh and forgot to tell you that your Christmas Card is fantastic! And I wanted to ask where you saw Santa???

At 3:10 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Why thank you. The album is going to be put together using jump rings. I am going to punch holes (2 or 3 I haven't decided) at the end and connect it all. So far I can't find my big hole puncher and that is the holdup.

We saw Santa at the mall and they are really awesome about letting you bring your own camera. You are not obligated to buy their pics at all. The kids may just visit Santa (who is extremely authentic in looks and behavior)and talk to him as long as they want. This can make for a long line, but we think it's worth it!


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