Monday, March 05, 2007

I'm Blue Too!

Thanks to lots of other blogs hosting this fun quiz I did it too. I came out as a blue... try it and let me know what you are. Do you think I'm a "true blue"????

My Results:

Congratulations. You are BLUE. BLUES are motivated by INTIMACY. They seek to genuinely connect with others, and need to be understood and appreciated. Everything they do is quality-based. They are loyal friends, employers, and employees. Whatever or whomever they commit to is their sole (and soul) focus. They love to serve and give themselves freely in order to nurture others' lives.

BLUES have distinct preferences and have the most controlling personality. Their personal code of ethics is remarkably strong and they expect others to live honest, committed lives as well. They enjoy meaningful moments in conversation as well as paying close attention to special life events (e.g. birthdays and anniversaries). BLUES are dependable, thoughtful, and analytical; but can also be self-righteous, worry-prone, and moody. They are "sainted pit-bulls" who never let go of something or someone, once they are committed. When you deal with a BLUE, be sincere and make a genuine effort to understand and appreciate them.

Understand that no two BLUES are exactly alike. Although you share the same core motivation as many others, your personality is still unique to you alone.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Think About it Thursday

Hi there!

Time for our weekly "list" feature. Here goes:


1. I am addicted to reality TV. American Idol, The Apprentice, Grease, if it is "reality" I can get stuck on it. I even watched a season of "Flavor of Love" for pity's sake! Luckily I don't get to watch TV that often... really I just pick one show and try to be true to it (well, three shows this season which is TERRIBLE). Shhhhhh embarrasing comfession. ;)

2. Big crowds make me nervous. This is getting worse as I get older for some reason. If I am in a big stadium (like for the circus for example) I need to know where the exits are and hate the whole squishy mass exodus thing. Don't mind little crowds (like the movies etc.) but don't love the big ones.

3. I like going to the grocery store. I am a grocery store geek for sure. I do my menu every week and then use the flyer to make my list on excel. I write things down by what aisle they are on. Then it's coupon time and each thing on my list with a coupon has a special code. All this preplanning does serve a purpose though - I can go through my local store very, very quickly and it cuts WAAAAY down on impulse purchases. I get a kick out of seeing how much I can save. Strange I know.

4. I am a teacher by heart, soul, and disposition. I do miss teaching too. However I get to teach my three and be at home to support them. I know I will go back eventually. I have somewhat rekindeled my Principal goal... hmmm - fun to think about.

5. I am not a good decision maker. What? Me? Surely I jest. Nope, it's true. I know I have mentioned it before - but recent "need to make" decisions have nearly killed me. Okay, they haven't killed me... but they are taking a toll on my health for sure.

6. My coping strategy of choice is humor. When I am uncomfortable I have a tendency to want to be funny. Occasionally I pull it off. I have some really good poop stories... and there's that one about the pen and raccoons...

7. I manage my time best when very structured. It goes back to being a teacher at heart. If I plot out my whole day I find I am very productive. If I just be loose with no plan, then nothing gets done. Flylady works very well for me, even with her bazillion emails.

8. Lately I spend too much time on the computer. Though you wouldn't believe it based on my posting!

9. My least favorite developmental stage that children go through (at least so far, I don't have any children over 11 yet) is toddlerhood. I love toddlers - but it is not my favorite time. Infancy and 4 years old and early grade school... love those ages (perhaps since their sense of humor so closely mimics my own... hmmm???). I would rather teach middle school then a toddler class any day.

10. My life is going to change soon. This is a dramatic pause, a forshadowing of future postings, I offer no hints BUT please if you already think you know the change do not put it out on the blog yet... wait for my cue... (now the rest of you tune in to see the exciting conclusion of "How the Cropsalot World Turns").

What do you confess about yourself?
Check out this cool project to do with your confessions. A fantastic mini-book that I do intend to do.

Remember to "confess" in the comment section. You don't have to do 10... change the number to whatever you would like.

Happy Thursday!

Edited - by the time I got this post up it's "Happy Friday" - hope you have a great weekend!