Saturday, October 02, 2010

Homecoming... the videos

Never tried adding video before lets see how it goes. The second video you just have to wait a bit and then you hear abbie announced. Clearly Steven Spielberg I am not....


It was homecoming week this past week. Mattawan has a parade, a huge parade, right before the football game and dance. Both Abbie and Ethan marched (rode) this year. Ethan walked with the scouts. And although this is not a very good picture, Abbie rode on the vette. She was the freshman homecoming queen! I have video that shows this better.

Ethan loved throwing candy to the crowd. Max believes the candy throwing is the best part of the parade!! Jeff walked along with Ethan and was the candy replenisher. This homecoming court was a BIG deal. The principal of the high school introduced each pair (or in Abbie's case there were two boys as they were tied) over the loudspeaker. I have video of that too. Here are Abbie and the boys.

Alec, Abbie, and Chris. Abbie and Chris were the riders in the 'vette.

Abbie and Chris. They matched and everything!

Abbie and Alec.

Hi there Abbie.Our girl. :)
Abbie and fellow soccer players McKenzie and Haleigh.