Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Special Events

So many things have been going on... what was I thinking that I'd have time to blog?!
Rather then talking about sad stuff (hey! I could have posted a pic of the "sold" sign and I spared you all that!) I will post some happy pictures. That's about all I have time for now. Hope you are all excited for the first official day of summer.

Here's the princess and the queen. Max did a fantastic job at Karate this year!
The President makes her speech at Graduation. We are so very, very proud of all of Abbie and Max's accomplishments this year. It has been a good year for us! We are very blessed.
Our soccer season ended on a gorgeous sunny Saturday for Max. He's loving the medal (although here he looks mostly tired - hey, he worked hard!)
We panicked when this is what outside looked like for the going away party.
Luckily the sun eventually sort of came out and we were able to do things like this.
This is the last time I will blog from Connecticut.
You'll hear from me soon when I "land" in my new location.
To all my CT friends and family - I love you and will miss you all, and don't worry I will visit and see you all A LOT. REALLY! A LOT!!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Countdown Begins

Good morning!
Well, I am beginning this post at 4:30am on Father's Day. Happy Father's day to all!

I know my last post was sad... so I wanted to be more postitive in this one. As we pass milestone after milestone here (last soccer, last karate, Graduation, etc.) and they get checked off I realize - wow, we are going ... I better DO SOMETHING.

Whew! Being "home alone" for so long (seemed like forever) got me waaaaay behind. This would be okay, but the movers will be here on Wednesday. Yipe! Though I am going to try and blog from time to time over the next week I can't promise it. Yipe, yipe, yipe!!!
Saying goodbye to so many people, hard. I will just leave it at that.

Since I want to avoid telling you all that my heart is breaking over this (oops, spilled the beans!) I am going to a funny photo that speaks for itself and should give you a smile (you should have seen his feet! - note to self, hide markers when making beef stew....!). Have a happy week! :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Running Out of Happy Thoughts

Hello There!
I know, it's been awhile. I actually have been mentally talking to all of you, just haven't managed to get it down on the blog yet. However, that is most likely a good thing since these are the titles I was considering:

- Is It Possible to Run Out of Tears? (yes, i'm sad that I am moving - will never replace my friends or even come close, prepared for years of loneliness and woe)

- Moving Countdown (not good for those of you emailing me that you are still in denial)

- 100 Reasons Why Being a "Single" Mom S*CKS (don't even get me started... it has been months with Jeff in Michigan and me and the kids here - YUCK)

- Top Ten Meals to Make When Nobody Eats but You (and too much at that!)


You get my drift. I have not been at a high point. Additionally I am sad to tell you that after a brave and long battle with cancer my Aunt Suzy passed on yesterday. I am sad and have noboday to share my sadness with which is sort of hard (I am a talk it out to cope type person).


This is why no blogging for me! Now I have made you all sad. :(

I am down to my final two weeks. I have parties to plan, things to finish, things to pack. Max had a 104.9 degree temp today and was home from school. Doctor thinks it's a virus and I hope the whole family doesn't get it!

We did not find a new house on our trip, so we will be living in a temporary place for awhile. Not the best solution, but it has it's positive aspects.


I have a funny marker story to share with you, and I know I have things to be happy about and that I am blessed. Please excuse my sadness - just keepin it real.
