Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February, February, Where for Art Thou February?

How have you all been?
I am very sorry for my lengthy absence. I think February is not turning out to be a banner month for me (except that it started out REALLY great!). It has been one thing after another. I guess life just goes that way sometimes.

I am sorry to report that our acrylic album project (at least my end of it) is going to have to wait until March. Looking ahead I just don't have the time needed to git'er done. Please tell me you understand. :(

My tooth has been a source of just too much drama! First the pain, then the root canal, then the root canal gets infected, then I need to change dentists, now I need a crown! MY FREAKING WORD! Enough with the teeth already! Sadly when I am in pain I am not creative. At all. Does that happen to you?

Also while this was happening Jeff had the finger surgery that he has been putting off forever. He is doing very, very well now with it. He is still bandaged up, it will be awhile before he has full use of it (right hand of course) but he is getting better daily. Whoo hoo! Very nice hospital, very competent doctor, all's good there.

Kids are well.
Parents are great and planning a trip to AZ for the end of the month.
Got to see my CUTIE PATOOTIE 3m old nephew over the weekend. That was way fun!
So I guess really February isn't THAT bad.
It's just really busy and not too much time left over for creative pursuits is all.

Truth be told, I'm having a bit of trouble MOVing too. New meds. Blah. Can't change them for awhile yet either. I just feel like a slug. Slugs don't feel too great ya know.

No more pity party.
I will try to be better posting.
With the pressure of the project off (moved to March) I can just post more without feeling guilty about not updating the project.

AND i have (believe it or not) another suggestion for all of us.
It will come soon.

Miss you all and hope that you have a lovely week free from any tooth pain! :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Two Posts - One Day!

If you're wondering where I've been since last week... please see the post under this one. I've done two posts today!! :)

Just wanted to show you some of the awesomeness (is too a word!) that some wonderful people have done for the January challenge.

Here's Kristy's WORD, makes me want to grin just looking at it! I think red is such a vibrant and dynamic color - a good analogy for the changes she is going through right now. It also, to me, signifies her strength. That flourish she used just accents the fun of the WORD doesn't it? A very happy canvas for a very happy word!! :) Here is Tamara's WORD. I love the paper mod podged onto it! Love the ribbon accent too. I find the flowers and the birds very appropriate also for the word since she also Cherishes nature. I love the blue for the same reason. What a perfect blue - how did you distress it T? What a great look! Simply Lovely!
Ahhhh... our Beckala has the WORD that we all can use sometimes. I love the soothing colors of her canvas... love the pink, burgandy, and green. I love the use of ribbon as an accent too! Did you mod podge the ribbon on B'la? I feel a zen like calm when looking at this one. Beautiful Becky!
Here is Kendra's WORD created by Tamara also. With input and assistance from K. I love the quote at the bottom right of the canvas which says, "follow your dreams". What a perfect WORD and canvas for a teenager. I also love the butterflies - spreading the wings - what a powerful image. Gorgeous!
Thank you all for participating and sending me your pictures as well. There are still a couple coming (cough -!) and I will post them when we get them.

For this month's challenge please be sure (as many of you expressed interest in doing it in real time with me) that you have your ten pictures of things you Love. Also please get them printed. Another thing that will help you is to gather your supplies. All paper with hearts, valentiny, love related, etc. You may want to gather a matching ink or paint color. I am going with a very traditional red/pink/white (+ green as a color accent) color scheme because I am keeping this EASY and FUN. My ten things? Here are a couple - I'll reveal the rest in pictures later on... (maybe tomorrow)

In no particular order (and remembering that no people are allowed - just THINGS)

- American Idol (used the icon and printed that)
- my computer
- my paint
- the sun

That's it - more later. Thank you all my guest artists for sharing your work!!!!! :)

OW - freaking - CH!

Good morning!
First, some good news. Here is the view out my back door today. It's Mr. Golden you know who! Notice the sky... it is blue! OMG!!! This is the FIRST time that we have had blue skies and sun since I got back from my weekend with Heather!!!! It's a welcome sight. It gave me the energy that I need so badly to catch up today.So, for the less good news. As in, WHY I need to catch up.... Well, on Sunday shortly after I woke up I got the worst tooth pain I have had, I believe, in my life thusfar. It was horrific. Sunday was my day too.... no plans... no worries... snowing (as usual)... I had a HUGE list of things to get done. Did none of that list. The day seemed to last forever in my pain challenged mind. Finally on Monday I got to the endodontist - got the pain somewhat under control with stronger pain meds. I had a cracked tooth. Painful apparently. I hope it never happens to you.
Tuesday I had a root canal. Today I am still in residual pain (well, a lot at the moment since it's almost time for more motrin) but I am hopeful I will feel better soon. I could go on and on, but I'll spare you. At least now you know where I've been.

Unfortunately I did not get my acrylic album started this weekend.
I did not finish/do the teacher's mailboxes.
No new pages were created.
No pages were finished.
I have not been on the computer - I owe many of you return emails.
No laundry, ironing, cleaning in general was done by me.
SO - I am behind.

I hope that the sunshine will help me catch up today.
At least a little bit.

Eeep! Ethan's show is over so I am out of time here. If you have a little one you should try to catch the show on PBS called "Super Why". Ethan loves it. Great pre-reading/early reading show. I think Miss Emma would really love it too!

Hope to MOVE it today so I can show you some productive stuff tomorrow.
Have a great day!

PS - Hi Gina Wina!!!!! :)

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Happy Saturday!
Hope you are all having an enjoyable weekend.

Just as a little fluffy stuff I thought I'd tell you about a GREAT book I just read (in a matter of one night and one morning - whole book). Yes, a real page turner. I'd put it in the mystery/suspense genre although when I went to get it at the book store it was in the romance (! egad!) section. Anyway the book was called Blood Dreams and is by Kay Hooper. If you do decide to read it I warn you that it ends somewhat unresolved, she tends to write stories as trilogies. Still, it was a great fast read. I really enjoy all the Bishop SCU books by her. She was a romance writer before turning to suspense and it shows.

Do you have any authors you can recommend? I love books with ongoing characters weaved through them. Suspense is my favorite genre - but I am open to suggestions!

Movies now... Saw in the theater Hannah Montana 3D concert. It was cute for what it was. I loved the 3Dness of it. We saw trailors of lots of movies to come out this summer with the digital 3D and they all looked great. I personally cannot wait for the next Narnia movie to come out. Is there anything you have seen lately in the theater to recommend? I am curious about the Veggie Tales Pirates Who Don't Do Anything that is out right now. Has anyone seen it?? Also, I rarely get to see a movie not kiddy related and would love your insights. I love seeing movies in the theater... you?

Finally, out in video. I just saw Sydney White and thought it was very cute. A modern Snow White. Must admit that I am a fan of Amanda Bynes ever since... (drumroll) ... HAIRSPRAY of course! Do you have any new releases on DVD you could recommend? I am in the mood for a good movie tonight.

Welp, that's my two cents.
Would love to hear yours!!! :)

Have a great weekend - J

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

February Challenge

Hi there!
I can't believe it's Wednesday.
Wednesday night for goodness sake!
I am not sure I remember Monday or Tuesday.... where does the time go????

Okay, enough of that.
So - our challenge.
This month I challenge us to complete AND/OR create 14 pages. I thought 14 was a good number with Valentine's day and all. Also it is a short month and a week of it is almost gone. So 14 it is. I won't count the layouts that I did on last weekend as new... but as I finish them I think they will "count". I want that journaling done before I forget what I wanted to write about KWIM???!!! So, who's with me?

Okay, now that challenge isn't TOO big, so let's throw in a project as well.
Kristin and I were talking lately about acrylic albums.
I really, really want to play with one.
So - here we go!
I have purchased a 4x4 acrylic album with 4 clear pages and a front and back cover that are thicker (slightly) then the insides. I got it at my LSS but here are some links. Look here. And here. And here to see what i mean. Okay, now after surfing for the last 45 minutes I am thinking that my LSS cut them herself from acrylic because I can't find the 4 x 4 size out there. I am sure any size will work for you - just adapt directions accordingly.

Now, step one. We are going to make an album about "10 Things I Love Right Now". Please note I said THINGS. Everyone knows you love your spouse {hopefully!} and children... this time make the album about quirky things you're into at the moment. Also since this is the first time I am using an acrylic format I wanted easy and hearts and bling are about as easy as it gets.

Please take your pictures and have them printed. KEEP IN MIND THE SIZE OF YOUR ALBUM. Take pictures that can be cropped small... or have them printed wallet size. Also this week go ahead and root through your stash for love type items. Heart punches, stickers, flowers, pretty paper, ribbon scraps in red and pink... etc. etc. Get it all together. We won't match exactly but it doesn't matter. Also you will need some staz-on ink if you plan on stamping on your album (i do). Knowing myself as I do you can bet i will also paint on it if the paint will stick. I'll test and let you know.

So, I hope you'd like to adventure into acrylic with me. I have a feeling it will be addictive! Let me know if you are doing the project "live" with me - if nobody wants to in real time then I will just post the results and send directions to those who want it. I don't want to overly bore my non-scrapbook readers.

Okay, I'm off to bed.
Here are some of the finished pages from the weekend...
This is from a class I took at NESB. I have had the pages without the pictures for quite awhile now. Glad to have used it. Not as quick as i thought it would be - but very fun.

This was another kit (don't worry, these are the only kits I did over the weekend I think). It was from the GASC and I got it from the Kellers Creations booth. Neat stuff.

That's it for me. Please let me know if you're into the acrylic project or our challenge okay?

G'night. :)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

34 Pages?!

Hello Everyone!
Did you miss me?? :)

I had a lovely time at the crop with Heather. We stayed at her house each night instead of the hotel and it was just so lovely. First time I've gotten to sleep in a Tinkerbell bed in awhile!! I love your house Heather!!!!

I was also lucky enough to get to see some of a swim meet with 2/3 of the girls in it. They are amazing swimmers and the high school and it's pool were amazing. That is Ona down there jumping in.While we were at the crop we wound up sitting for dinner with a pair of moms and their daughters. Would you believe - one of the daughters just recently moved to Michigan! RIGHT near where I am too. Next town over. AND she belongs to the church that I just had gotten a phamplet on and was considering joining. Now, to top all that off... the other daughter works as a customer service rep at Verizon and wound up helping Heather with a sticky phone problem she was having. AND then before we left the ladies that live near Heather invited her to monthly crops with them. SMALL WORLD isn't it???!!! Well, hello to Kelly if you get to stop by the ole blog. Glad to have met you all! :)

As to the 34 pages mentioned in the title... no, that wasn't me. Heather got 34 pages done though! Can you believe it??!! A overnight crop world record I think. She managed to finish an entire album about a recent trip they took. Pretty amazing. Oh and I think I got her addicted to inking and painting too. What was my total you wonder..... well..... I got 20 pages done. Not too bad. Thing is most of them need journaling to finish them off. Then I am going to post them to show you.

Oh, and I also did this altered mailbox and Heather did one too.
Cute isn't it?
The winner of my contest is going to get it, filled with some goodies, and the book too. Oh and I am sending the winner another mailbox (un-altered) of her own to alter as she sees fit. Just for fun. I am using mine like this... each day when the kiddies come downstairs in the morning between now and Valentine's Day I am going to have a "love note" in there for them to read. Yes, for DH too. Some days I may include a treat. Most days it will just be a hi, a proud moment, a quote, maybe a riddle, you get the idea. I thought it would be nice to do for them. Not sure how I feel about giving kids Valentine gifts - but this is a gift that I am totally okay with. I got the mailboxes at Target. There are lots of ideas for altering them in the magazines this month. Also I found a tutorial about them here. That site lists dimentions and everything. Wish I saw it before I did it all myself! Great site!!! At any rate, they were WAY fun to do. The small scale makes it very do-able. I think I am making one for each of Max's and Ethan's teachers too... I'll post them if I get to them. :) Oh... one other thing, when I got them at Target there were only backs on them... not front and back doors - so I thought that's how they go. You may want to check that because the other websites I have seen with them show both the front and the back cover. I may do a Target run to see if I can find any more... but not sure if I can.Oh, so maybe you are wondering who WON the contest?
Well... I did my usual highly scientific method.
Put your names on paper. Then folded the paper and put it all in my camera bag.

Shook the bag like a crazy lady.

Picked one name.

The winner is...

Of course Princess Buttercup has an alias that she goes by in real life. Any ideas who she is? I do know. Her package will be on it's merry way first thing tomorrow.

Congratulations!!! :)

PS - since this is such a long post I am going to put our challenge and our project up tomorrow. Have a happy Monday!!!