Yah... So What's New With You?
Do I even need to say how bad I feel that this poor blog has gone by the wayside? Even my "reminding" friends have given up trying to get me kickstarted. What happens, you see, is I feel very behind on it - and then don't know where to begin. In this case I wondered... Christmas? Valentine's parties? Abbie turns 13? Spring sports? Weight loss? Scrapbooking? etc. etc. etc.
So - I am finally diving in. And what, you may wonder, is the ever so exciting topic I start with??? My plants!!! (admit it, you wouldn't have guessed that one). In fact, as I "speak" I am attempting to upload multiple pictures to share with you.
I have been very excited to see how my front yard perennial garden is coming back this year. Really. Unusually excited. I have taken a page out of Spincerely's book and have had fun with nature photos. She's onto something I must say - plants pose much more cooperatively then children do!
Along with my perennials we have attempted some veggies. We are starting out small to see how it goes (one day I'll have to post pictures of my REALLY big garden I had on Rock Road). We got these wiskey barrels (although Meredith - yes around here I am known as "Oh Your Meredith's Neighbor!" ... says they could be wine barrels too - I think she is saying that longingly - but that's just my take on it ;) ) from the tractor supply store (more fun stuff then I realized is in there) and they seem to be working so far. Here are my baby tomatoes (big and cherry type) three types of peppers, cukes, onions, and marigolds (being used as natures bug deterrent).
Here is my tomato bucket:
Here is my new arch enemy!!! Can someone PLEASE tell me a good way to keep these munchers off my plants???? Every day it's like I go 'pillar hunting to attempt to save at least some of my plants. They are especially fond of a yellow bush I have in the front and have almost killed it. Grrumph!!!
Here is the trio of veggies in booze pots.
Warning TAMARA: DO NOT LOOK CLOSELY AT THIS PIC. Okay, I warned her. Now to the rest of ya... here is our new pet Fred. Fred has startled me once or twice (I screamed, I admit it, but not in fear - just in shock when a three foot long black thing comes out of nowhere it can be, um, disconcerting).And so, there ends the tale of Two Gardens. Well, these are just the pictures of one - I am working with photobucket to get a slide show of the other one which I will edit to add later as at the moment I must run to soccer practice.
More soon!!! (really - now why would you doubt me???) ;)
Yeah!!! I am glad to see you are posting!!! Let's see some pictures of your beautiful family!!! Miss you!
I just want to point out that you last posted a week before I met Drew and this post came three weeks after we celebrated our sixth monthiversary. Hmmmm....
What great flower photos! Not so fond of meeting Fred, I have to say. And, to add to the commentary, the last time you posted I was 7 months pregnant and my little man is 5 months old now... How time flies. Great to see you back on your blog!
Yeah, welcome back!! The yard looks pretty, looks like you have been having fun. Miss you
Thank you SO much for the warning about Fred. I muchly appreciate that. And also to state for the record: The last time you posted the weather was crappy, and well, the weather is still crappy.
So moving on to the garden photos... love them!!!!!!!! We are doing mostly container gardening this year too. SO much easier that garden, gardening! I like the whiskey barrels. They hold a lot of stuff. I'm still trying to convince Dave that you can put more than one plant into pot. I'm going to sneak some more stuff in when he isn't looking. Well, that is, if the sun ever comes out here.
As for your caterpillars, I think you are using the best form of control possible. Just remove them when you see them. You also have a couple little boys you can put on caterpillar patrol. I'm not sure how much of their time that will take up, but maybe you can stick some sneaky prizes in their to keep their attention.
I also think you are right about your Irises. Yours are the Japanese type. Mine are the bearded type though I do have some of the other kind, they are not flowering yet. My yard is in a chilly micro climate and all my plants run late.
I can't wait til you post again. I started making a list of fun things to do this summer and I have a friend on Facebook who has a 50 things to do this summer list. Always looking for ideas, you know...
Can it REALLY be??????? NAAAAh...And about plants,,,, and a ahem...ssssnnnnakkkeee?????
Anyways glad to see ya finally back.....
Wow I had given all hope of this ever getting updated. I missed reading and catching up when on the Blackberry a-la throne. Love Laura
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