Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Invisible Jenny

Hi there!
I know I promised a week of new entries...but did I say a week in a ROW??? Hmmm??? Perhaps I should have promised 7 new entries sometime soon - that would be more accurate.

Just wanted to do a quickie today to let you know I am thinking of all of you EVERY day. So sad that because it is summer I don't really get the time to phone that I do when school is in session. Since we moved I am the full time primary entertainer for my kids. We don't have any other children in the neighborhood. No friends yet. Just mommy. And eachother. And daddy when he is home and nanny and pop-pop. Could be worse! My only point is that I rarely get time to call - doesn't mean I don't love and miss ya!

I have noticed that I am invisible here. Nobody knows me (except for the obvious ones) nobody recognizes me, nobody will remember. I can wear whatever I please and not give a flying fig newton about it! In a way it's very liberating. It does have its consequences though. Find myself not caring as much as I should. Eating waaaaayyy too many desserts. Not really trying you know? Figure that my kids have to be the first priority and I will deal with me later. Hmmm... I would yell at any of my friends that said that - so I know I shouldn't - just keepin it real.

So, I am invisible Jenny for now. I am sure that will rapidly change when school starts. And we now have a soccer coach that knows me and calls a lot, and a realtor who knows me too, so I am slowly having to, well, make an effort sometimes.

If you have seen Princess Diaries you know that Mia spends her time trying to be invisible. I know what she means. Not quite willing to be visible yet myself. Maybe I will meet someone (obviously not a love interest, all set there - I mean a friend) who will drag me into the land of the visible soon... ya never know. It only has been two weeks after all {*groan*}.

My my my - heavy post!
Yipe and egad.
Don't worry - my next post will feature the fun we had at an attraction that I plan to drag every one of you who comes to visit me to! Let's just say I didn't know THAT much (*something secret to be revealed next post*) could be stuck all over me!

Stay tuned!
Love ya! :)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Little Frogs

These little frogs greeted us our first days here. They were literally all over the place. In the morning there were 30 or 40 hopping around the driveway in the cool wetness. They could also be found all through the grass and hanging in the woodchips. When looking them up to determine their species I believe they are most likely chorus frogs, or possibly spring peepers. I still have to look more. If you recognize them let me know okay? Well, our first day or two the boys had so much fun gently catching them and inviting them into their own personal "frog city" which was a perfect (and very handy) gift from Auntie Kristin. I attempted in the above photo to get a closeup. You would not believe how small these little cuties were.
Max and Ethan even made wood chip floats for our hoppy friends to float about in. Can you spy the frogs on the "log" above?
Here is my favorite frog, Herman, swimming in his frog city. (above)
Here is the good natured Herman on his yacht. That plastic boat has been so much fun for the boys. You should see the critters that have taken rides in it! (above)
Here are the boys playing with Frog City. To help you get the scale. Sorry that all my pics are above my explanations this time instead of below them. Must be too early in the morning for my brain to function. Anyway - back to the frogs. They are gone now (which lends some support to my spring peeper theory) but we enjoyed their friendly hoppy welcome.

PS - Please don't worry - the boys were VERY careful with them and never kept them in Frog city for long. I am proud to say that not even one was harmed!! :)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Finally! The New Digs

At last I am posting the pictures that I promised many of you ages ago. We landed here in Michigan 8 days ago now. Why does it seem like we have been away from CT forever? Why do I miss everyone soooooooo much already??? I have been on vacations for longer then this without suffering breakdowns.

Really it has taken me so long to blog because the happy vibes just haven't been there. I hate to write and say "hi everyone, I'm miserable". So I waited. Today I was up at 6:30 to walk with my mother (a perk!) and my mood is manageable - so here I am. I have actually challenged myself to blog every day this week, so keep checking back. I have the entries all ready to go.

The weather here has been quite lovely - we don't have the rain that CT is having. Sunny every day almost. There has been some humidity, but manageable.

I don't want to give away all that we have been doing since it will be in future posts. So far we do not have a house. Part of the problem is that we keep going back and forth over school systems. I hope that I find that I am wrong as the year goes on - but for now the reasons we are going back and forth is about deciding which "cons" we can and can't live with. I had hoped the "pros" would win the day. Really the schools have been one thing that has been universally disappointing. Still, we won't really know until we are in them - so I will shut up about it. I could wind up being completely wrong (oh that would be wonderful! i will gladly eat my words if that is the case!!!)

So, no house. Still living in my parents basement. There is something rather humbling about living back in your parent's basement you know. With the whole family no less. My, don't I feel successful! (just kidding - it is kind of funny though). Still when I speak of my parent's condo I think it is hard for many to picture - so I took some for you. Hope to soon post pics of a nice new house (although I am getting spoiled living with all these adult helpers!!!!!)(I jokingly told my dad that I was in NO rush to move anywhere - I think he nearly fainted!)

On to the pictures - here is the view of my parents "yard". The pond thing you see at the bottom is a drainage pond. There are fish in it and often duck visiters and tons of frogs. I love the sounds of frogs at night - so it works for me! Ethan likes to "fish" in the water with his plastic pole. It is peaceful and gives the illusion of such privacy. Love it! Here is where the princess is staying. It was formerly my mother's craft room. I think she was very nice to give it up for Abbie, don't you?
We brought the Princess's bed from CT. Everything else we did with what was around. She had that room decorated and homey within an hour. You should see the other corner, she has her music stand set up with her clarinet and a box is covered with a sheet then she has other stand up things on it. She is a wonderful nester (and may have a design career in her future... seriously this child can work magic with any space - can't wait to see how she decorates her new room)(assuming we ever get one!). Oh, and i am waving at YOU in the picture! :)
We have both the boys in the sitting room area of Aunt Suzy's apartment. You may remember my earlier post about my sadness regarding my Aunt's passing. I like to think that she would love her space to be used in this way. She sure loved the kids (me too) that is very true.
Here is our little kitchen. It has a stove and sink and fridge and everything. We mostly eat upstairs, but the kids do breakfast down here.
My parents have a two tiered deck. Nice huh?
That's the end of my little update.
I hope that you are all well and happy.
I miss you all. A lot.
Be well - love, J