Friday, November 07, 2008

A Week in the Life - Page Headers

Well, since I last wrote I have gotten soooooooooooooo sick. Again. Or still. Depends on your point of view. After writing yesterday I wound up with a fever, stomach issues, chest pain, sore sinuses - yick. Today I am keeping myself well dosed with some meds and while I don't feel "better" at least it's more manageable.
Now, I'm sure you're thrilled that I shared aren't you?!
As mentioned in the last post, here are some pictures from our week. What I am doing here is putting the pictures I am using enlarged on the same side as I do the writing. In some cases I'm between two choices ~ I'd love your opinion on those. Oh and if you do this project one thing to keep in mind is to make some kind of reminder to yourself so that you don't go a whole day with only a picture of the washer and dryer and the back yard. Yep. One day two pictures. I ran around like a lunatic that day so I should have lots to write about (luckily) and I may sneak in some pics that are just of around the house. Crimey.
Here's Sunday - our family tradition of blueberry pancakes.

Monday - kids off school and pictures in the park.Tuesday - gorgeous warm weather, overview pic of neighborhood, Max and Pasha playing.OR I may do the vote picture since that was an important thing that happened on Tuesday. Which do you think?Wednesday - errands day and lots of laundry. Picture of the twins.Need your opinion for Thursday's picture. I was trying to show Abbie getting on the bus before the sun is up. There was some strange glare from the flash on this first picture, but the second picture is very dark. Which do you think better shows the early morning bus call???This is a tentative Friday opener - my "Christmas Cactus" always seems to open for Thanksgiving. It is a confused plant. This may change though because I am hoping to carve pumpkins tonight and so one of those pictures will most likely trump the cactus. We'll see if Jeff is up for carving as he just got home from Texas about 30 minutes ago.So, what do you think?

I know Becky is interested but time crunched... any other takers?

More later ~ have a great weekend and STAY WELL!!! ;)


At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss Jeff's pancakes! What a classic Jeff photo too! It is difficult to decide between those 2 bus photos. I like both. At first I was going to vote for the second one, but I think now I'm going to vote for the first one. But you know what, the second one shows the darkness better... I know, I'm no help, am I? I also love the photo of Abbie and Ethan. She has a new hairstyle, doesn't she? It looks so pretty!

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

I would enjoy pancakes as well. Yum! I miss you....not blogging much these days. I've gotten behind as well. Too much to do. Not enough time! And I only have 1 child. But he's got yet another ear infection. We are also getting close to year end at work. And I am working on my first budget...EVER. I think my boss forgets this. But I really have NO idea what I'm doing....

Hey, I just joined facebook. You should as well. Very fun. You can find a lot of people you knew back in school! It's very fun. I've "found" a bunch of buddies from my junior college. (And even posted a few pictures from 20 years ago....cracked me up! Although they say payback is a b*tch!)

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Ty finally slept thru the night without waking up with a 103 fever. It's been very tiring! And he's VERY clingy. So, all I do is hold him and watch Bob the Builder. Ugh. I've seen all the episodes over and over. And then I also bought The Polar Express. And watched that 4 times. I'm not a big TV I'm over done!

Talk with you soon!


At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been awhile Jen! I TRY to check in to your blog every so often, will try harder. Loved the halloween pics, kids are so cute. Congrats to Matt! He looks so different. The pic of Abbey getting on the bus looks like your house is being visited by a ghost! I like that one better than the darker one. Glad to see your pics too & congrats on the weight loss. Sounds like you are working hard & it's paying off. I now have a blog at
New website, check it out when u get a chance, drop me a line for f**k's sake! :) Oh, and thanks for all the spider talk, that really wasn't necessary was it??!! :(


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