Monday, October 27, 2008

My Favorite Season

Hi again!
Are all of you ready for Halloween?
While my house is decorated, to some extent, I cannot say we are really ready. Still finishing up costume stuff. Max and Ethan decided to make their costumes this year. They are looking very cute. Miss Abdab is still fluctuating on her choice. Yes, this is not like me to be this late and yes, it is stressing me out a bit - but we'll make it.
So, here are some deco pics - this is my favorite "new" decoration this year. The mantle. Still need a frame for a picture of Ethan - it's on my "to-do" list.
The sun is down for now and the autumn sign takes it's place.
My flowers turned seasonal.And finally - this is really an update picture. Remember I've been saying we're going to turn the dining room into more of a desk/reading area? Well here is the furniture we got for the space. I love it! HUGE improvement over the dining room table. AND it's all decked out for the season of course. Still not totally done, I don't think I'm using the space behind the glass well... but all in time. It is nice to have the laptop down here so when the kids are on the internet they are right in the main area where I can see them. Handy.Sorry to be brief, but I have to run get Ethan from school. Then I have to head to the gym for step class, zumba and yoga to end it off. You should see me doing yoga - comical. But hey, at least I try my best right?!
Miss you all - happy Autumn!!!


At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zumba???? I have never ever ever heard of that!

I also want to try yoga. I've made one phone call so far to look for a class. It has to be for complete and absolute inflexible beginners who are very uncoordinated!

Love how your new area turned out! So uncluttered too! I think that every surface in my house is covered with something at this moment!

Your decorations are beautiful - I love your new copper pumpkin - very pretty!


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