This year has been a bit off as far as our timing. Circumstances have just dictated a different pace. Usually I am on the ball to go and get the tree the weekend of Thanksgiving. This year on Sunday after Thanksgiving it was pouring rain. And I do mean
pouring. We went after a tree anyway, but tried a new place (still haven't found an "
Angevines" in Michigan. Irreplaceable I tell you, irreplaceable). When we got there, in the
sog and fog, we found that cut trees were about $85 - $100.
YIKE! That was more then we wanted to spend on a tree. So, we decided that we would go artificial.
Those of you who know Jeff well are no doubt amazed that he even
acquiesced to consider a non-real tree. Well, sure enough, when all of us went to look at them we all just felt sad. That is nothing against those of you who have artificial trees - because believe me I see the "pros". It's just so much a part of our personal family traditions to go on the "hunt" and get our own and saw it down together. We're just not ready to let go of that yet. I love the smell, the feel, the look of a real tree. Not so fond of the needles, the watering, the cleanup - but for now still think all of that is worth it.
Then Jeff went out of the country for a week including weekend. So more delay. Then very sadly we lost Uncle Harold (my Godfather, best friend of my parents) and that changed our priorities.
So, mid December we got our tree.
And we went back to the place we went last year.
And we didn't overpay.
And we loved it - every minute.
Here's the tree in it's natural habitat.

Strike a pose Abbie! This is one of a few like this of her. She is really good about having fun in front of the camera. Hope she stays that way, she's a really good teenager. Good to her dear old camera obsessed mom.

The best part... it was snowing and there was snow on the ground. We went on a Monday night when Jeff got back from Europe and had the place virtually to ourselves (go figure). Wasn't long before a snowball fight ensued.

Watch out Max!

Much merriment was had by all. Even Ethan got in the snowball throwing. Abbie and I (who were not wearing
snow pants because - well hey! fashion first!) shrieked every time we got hit. I was shown mercy due to ongoing illness (see! every cloud has a silver lining - my sickness saved me some snow bashing!).

I'm glad we're keeping our tradition.
Just wait til you see how it looks decorated!
Coming soon!!