Well..... you will all be very proud of me.
I FINALLY got brave enough to go next door and meet the new neighbors (they moved in the day before thanksgiving - and in my defense I did have company for awhile there).
They are a lovely family that moved here from Florida - like us they have some family here too (i mean really like us... one set of parents and one brother! - eerie!). Like us they were living in the 'rents basement while the house finished. Like us they have never been "midwesterners" before. They are a family of three (a four year old boy that will be able to play with ethan!) and another one on the way. Whoo hoo! A baby!!
I had to try to contain my enthusiasm to meet them. Didn't want to seem too stalkerish. I am just so tired of not having a social life here. Didn't quite have the time to ask her if she was a scrapbooker (didn't see any scrap related "droppings" though), but she is a stay at homer too. Cross your fingers for me - I haven't always had neighbor luck in the past. Don't get me wrong, I've had nice neighbors - just didn't click with them on a social level. Cheryl was my most recent "neighbor" friend, and she was a goodie!!! Oh and you may notice that I am not referring to the neighbors by name.... well if Kristin was on the blog live she could answer why... can you? Answer at the bottom of the post.
So, you will note that I am posting daily. I will try to keep it up.
Prior to meeting the neighbors my day was fairly glum and gloomy. The gray weather here bothers me more then I expected it to. I think I am going to look into some tanning believe it or not. Maybe just once a week for about 15 minutes, just for some good ole sun. What do ya think? Ever heard of that helping? I just have to make sure that nobody has to see me in my bathing suit (oh the horrors!) in order to do the tanning thing.
Hey, if you have a moment can you send me your favorite thing to do on a gray and gloomy day? Just PLEASE don't say to bake! I am all too good at that one and unless I want to look EXACTLY like Edna Turnblad I need to stop baking NOW. So, non food related tips please.
For your viewing pleasure here are the frames I made for my niece and nephews for Halloween. Are you planning any Christmas projects? I haven't decided yet. I haven't even given much thought to teacher gifts yet - so KRISTIN (mentioned twice in one entry, perhaps she will write back???? - broad and obvious hint) if you have any ideas... that goes for you too Michelle (who reads but doesn't comment much... let's go chickie!)! Deb, any thoughts for me? What are you doing this year Spinny? Krafty Kristy? I know you don't have to do teacher gifts yet girl, but it's never too soon to start compiling those ideas! Kim? Kimmy? Sue? Becky? Aunt barb? Somebody give me an idea okay????? Back to the Halloween projects - the one that shows what the back looked like is Ruthie's, I didn't forget her. I used wood frames, halloween paper, initials and doodads from Michael's, paint, sandpaper, and my all time favorite MOD PODGE!
Happy Hump Day!me
PS - the reason I am not featuring my neighbors names is that they went in one ear and out the other! In my nerves/excitment to meet them I don't even think I heard their names. I just remember their little boy's name. Yep, that's it. Egad. Oh well.... I'll figure it out somehow!