Thursday, January 10, 2008

I should NOT be blogging today

Yes, it's true.
I should just stay away.
I'll tell you why... I have been trying to stay positive.
Focus on the good.
Inhale, exhale
wax on - wax off -
You catch my drift I trust.

Well be it hormone fluctuations or whatever I have found my mood sinking lower and lower since about midday yesterday. Stuff that might not bug me normally, is. I have determined that I am just BAD at accepting criticism. I think that I am okay with constructive criticism but not the other kind. The "I can do it better then you" kind or the "I told you so" kind. Those kinds I don't do so well with. You?

So to top off my marvelous mood I got a call late last night to sub in Ethan's classroom. So I said yes (though internally bummed since it is my only two free hours of the week...) and went about creating two projects, finding books, making lesson plan. I brought all our own stuff... our stamps, our paint, I printed stuff on cardstock. I sang, I had my puppet going. Kids were laughing and happy. Did I follow her EXACT step by step routine... probably not - she didn't leave plans or anything. So, did I get paid... no. Did it just so they wouldn't have to close school for the day (Ethan's school has one teacher and then a rotating parent volunteer schedule). Why the vent you wonder? Sounds pretty good you think? Well - not one parent thanked me, but that's not it either. One of the parent volunteers was such a .... b... unnice person. If she said one more time that the kids were "off because their teacher wasn't there" I think I would not have been able to stop from telling her off. OOOOOH! She made me so mad! The kids were fine - perhaps SHE was off! UH! Really now. She said a few more things too. Even made the other mom who brought snack upset because of her criticism of the SNACK!

So, now we are having a playdate that I scheduled before I knew I would be the sub. I don't want to cancel... but I don't want to vent on the mom because I don't know her well enough yet. The big question....... can I hold it in??? Can I find my happy place before they get here????

I'll report back later.

I read Becky's word (last post... see comment section) and think I need to apply it right now. It gave me some peace just reading it. Good word choice Becky - and thank you so much for sharing it (did ya know how much you'd help me today... must be our sisterhood!). Kristy I think your word is perfect for you. So postive and free sounding. Thank you for being game to do this project with me too!

Speaking of the project, when I went to buy my 5 x 7 canvas I saw a 6 x 8 one that looked a bit easier to work with if you have a longer word. Really buy whatever size you want to work with. Also you will need to get some paint (any kind works on canvas) and a brush for it.

Thank you to everyone who writes in on the comments, it means a lot to me - sometimes I wonder if anyone reads ya know?

OH! There goes my mood again.
Better run.
Hope your day goes very well.


At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ack and Egads!

I'll write more later but I just want you to know I read your blog.

Deep breaths. In and out. Me too. Let's all do it together before we march out there to MI to show that classroom assistant what we think of her.

Becky - Love your word!! I can't wait til I get my own!!!

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

Your blog is a bright spot in my day, so yes, I read. And I completely understand your frustration. I "love" when you volunteer, and are criticized for it. Not that the one criticizing would offer to do the same....

What I've said some days about my "situation" -- Because you know everyone that some days suck, and others suck less.

Honestly, we all can't be "UP" all the time. I'm having a downish day too. But need to stay positive as well. I have about 5 women coming over tonight for a book club meeting at my house. The first. (If you want to read a good book, I love Karen Kingsbury. We are discussing Between Sundays.)

So, don't stop being you. And if Ty had been in the class, I would have been applauding you! You sound like you have your subbing act together. And you really enjoyed your day. Don't let one sour puss spoil your day. She's just unhappy with herself, and wants to make you feel as crappy as she feels about life.

Love you!

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did a great thing by stepping up to do the right thing for our child (and the other children too). It take a professional to step in at the 11th hour and pull off something good in a tough situation while being underminded. I am proud of you.


At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know better than to let mean people get you down! She is probably just feeling jealous and inadequate due to your immense talent. Hey, I know for a fact that when you bring the puppet out, magic happens! Sometimes you may do good, and think no one appreciates it; do good anyway. God knows you are doing it, and that's all that matters.

That brings me to my word. It is FAITH.

Main Entry: 1faith
Pronunciation: \ˈfāth\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural faiths \ˈfāths, sometimes ˈfāthz\
Etymology: Middle English feith, from Anglo-French feid, fei, from Latin fides; akin to Latin fidere to trust — more at bide
Date: 13th century
1 a: allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1): fidelity to one's promises (2): sincerity of intentions
2 a (1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2): complete trust
3: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs

I don't have a page count yet, it's been a crazy week at work, and meetings every night. I plan to work on it this weekend, and hopefully catch up to you. (or have fun trying)

Hang in there, lots of us love you!

At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dammit.... I married the wrong you tell your husband to give his brother some "say uplifting things to the wife" lessons? Jenny- don't you dare let that chick bring you down. You are better than that. Remember your 2008 word...MOVE... so MOVE your foot right into her jealous behind! And about the DH thing, really, that comment he left should be enough to keep your head high for quite some time! And my DH really isn't so bad... I just have to have PATIENCE that he has a hard time verbally expressing things. He likes to just do things, which I am very fortunate for too! Love ya!

And now I could kick myself for choosing such a long word for 2008, as I may have to buy a 10x12 canvas to fit the bleeping thing on!


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanna say MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!!!!

You are one of the MOST organized people I know of when it comes to that little institution (sp?) called school.

You helped me out alot with Kyle- so again----MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!!

Luv ya and miss ya!



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