Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Whew! It has been on my mind a LOT that I last had a rather gloomy post up here and I needed to switch it!! Thank you to all of you for your kind words and support. There are times when I can let annoying people just roll off - but then if my mood is just right they can really bug me. So, thank you. I feel mucho better. We are going on a field trip today and I am sure I will see the lovely gal - and I will just say hi. No animosity left. :)

So, since my last post life has been moving very fast. Very little time to blog, scrap, or keep up with email even. We had Jeff's work Christmas party over the weekend - that was pretty fun. I did come to the conclusion that when seated with a bunch of people with no children I will eventually run out of small talk. Really now I can usually count on kid stuff and/or education topics to send me through. Hmmm...not with that group. Also no scrapbookers. Egad. Of all the luck to sit at a table of 11 with no other couple with kids. Still, they were very nice people and we had a fun time.

My page tally... over the last four days I have done4 pages and a front and back cover of a book. I need to take pictures for you - may be another post later today. So.... my total is 17! Congrats to Deb who had a VERY productive weekend. I know Heather has been cookin too. Also wondering how much Becky got done on her away weekend... I bet she did a lot! Let us know Becky okay?

Are you wondering about your canvas?
Stay tuned... sorry for the delay with that - but I THINK life is calmer this week.

Have a happy and productive day!!! :)


At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning! Where are you going on your field trip? Anywhere fun? Did you know that AvaCroppy is sitting on a large motorized vehicle of some sort without a helmet? I hope that she is going to be safe because I worry you know. I don't want anything to happen to you/her.

So a table of 11 people with no children? What are the chances of that? At IHA's Christmas Party everyone had children and most around our girls' ages. The odd thing there was that I think we were the only ones using the public school system.

Did you have a snow day yesterday? We had one so today feels like such a Monday even though it is not. Hope you have a nicer week!

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jen-Jen! I have not gone on my weekend yet. It is this one coming up. But I will let you know what I manage to accomplish! I am bringing a little project too so that I can spice it up and not just work on layouts. I glad you are feeling better. I will talk to you soon.


At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy cow...are you on the page a day band wagon??? I scrapped on saturday at the milford elks, 10-10, I haven't done that in a LONG time. I think it was kind of too long though...a 6-12 at NESC sounds much better. I love you blog too. See I am keeping on of my "easy" new years resolutions...come out of lurking!!! Ryan misses Max, especially when we drive by. We should set them up as penpals. But that again would be like homework and not a playdate..Love ya!!!

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo, 10 more pages done! That brings me to 24 all together so far. Now granted the ones today pretty much just needed journaling, but they are completed none the less. Jen this challenge was a GREAT idea. Sometimes I just need a little push to get things done. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Good job on your pages so far too.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Hi Everyone!

Becky - sorry for the date mix up! Oy my brain isn't what it once was that's for sure. Sounds like a little project will be fun. Does it include Mod Podge?

Michelle - HEY GIRL! I am glad you are out and commenting. Man do I ever owe you an email AND a letter too! Max misses Ryan as well. We should be in CT for 2 - 3 weeks in July, so we can get them writing (or emailing??) with the promise of that at the end. A 10 - 10 scrap sounds so good to me. They are cheaper here, but I have only seen them on Friday nights. Sometimes by friday night I am so tired that I just can't last the whole time. KWIM? Keep the comments comin!!! :)

Deb - YOU GO GIRL! You are going to make that challenge!!! Your layouts are wonderful too. I need to email you as well. Gadzooks it's fairly easy for me to get "behind" these days.

Agent T Wooly - thank you for your concern. I have given AvaCroppy a lecture and she promises to mend her wanton and wicked ways! (hee hee, people are going to send the men in white coats after us my dear!) So far my week HAS been better. Thank you. :)

I love ALL your comments!


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