Friday, April 04, 2008

Baby Steps

Hi Everyone.
Yep, it's been awhile - again.
All I can say is that once too much time goes by it gets harder and harder to get back into the blogging groove.
So I decided to just take "baby steps" and do it. I am not going to try to fill you all in and catch you all up in one gigantic post. Just little by little. That way even if I only have 15 minutes i have a shot of getting something blogged. Jeff has been gone all week for work and so 15 minutes is about it for me.
I thought the most important thing to start with - what I have been in the clutches of!
Well, it's this book!
So far it's a trilogy - I think the fourth book is coming out this summer.
It's wonderful. Read it. I know the description makes it sound like it may be hokey.
I read the first book twice AND listened to it in my car. Read the second book once and am listening to it in the car and the third book just once so far. I am waiting to read book three again for May when it comes out with an advance chapter of book four at the end. I own the other two books already. The movie from this book is due out in December - but GO AND READ THE BOOK! There is no way the movie can be AS good as the book (heck, i'm hoping it's good... but it can't be AS good). You will like it. Read it. Then post your thoughts here okay???
By the way, Heather did guess the answer that it was a book. She emailed on the side and so a gifty is on the way. Congrats Heather!
Oh - another thing while I am on a recommendation kick.
I just saw August Rush.
It was such a wonderful movie. The whole family watched it, but just to warn you I forwarded past the unwed mom stuff for the kids. It's not graphic or anything - but look at it before you let the kids watch the whole thing. The ending is amazing. Truth be told in the beginning I was worried, it had a bit of a slow start - but the middle and ending were worth the wait.
Well, yipe.
That took me more then 15 minutes - most of which was spent trying to get a picture of the Twilight book off the internet and posted here. No luck. I'll have to consult my very reasonably priced Web Master for instructions.
Have an enjoyable weekend!


At 2:54 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

I am the first. Woo Hoo! I am glad you are back. The book looks great. I may have to get that from the library! I love to read. And am reading thru all my favorite authors, so am constantly looking for someone new!

We've had a ton of rain here. Hopefully it will stop at some point. Supposed to be nice this weekend, but then rain again next week. Lots of flooding!

Hope you have a great weekend!


At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The girls saw the preview to that August Rush movie and they didn't seem interested. We watched The Martian Child last week and I thought it was good (of course it did have John Cusack in it) but the girls didn't really like it. There was one that actively disliked it and expressed her dislike every 3.5 seconds. On the other hand they really enjoy watching MacGyver. An activity I wholeheartly encourage.
It is rain here to Kristy. Rainy and cold. There has been no spring so far. Just winter. I very very very long winter as it also started early. I don't understand where all that global warming is when you really need it!

At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you like the Twilight Books. I think they rock too. I could discuss them with you if I could remember them, lol! I just finished reading The Namesake and The Senator's Wife. Those were both really good too. I highly recommended both of them. The Senator's Wife really has a way of getting under your skin at the end. I told IHA about some of the plot and he said "Who would want to read a book like that!" Lol, me apparently!

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm...Yummy John Cusack- my fav 80's Hero- Say Anything, etc.... but I digress- a BOOK has kept you from this??? It better be good, lots of tall dark handsomes....

Anyways, great to see you back- I was missing you.


At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lady! Good to see you back. I have been missing you. I need to know, how do you find time to read? I am longing to be able to sit down and get lost in a book and it seems like the days are always slipping away from me. I am a bit jealous.... I find myself cramming in the book I read for book club... which I hate cramming in a book because I have a "deadline". Anyway, maybe this summer I can get lost in some books. We will see! I will talk to you soon. Miss you!

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

I just saw the best movie. Ok, the movie was ok, but the guy in it is so HOT. You guys need to check out "No Reservations." The guy kinda reminds me of Keith Urban (who I'm going to see in Nashville this summer...along with Kenny Chesney!!!). We rented it the other night. What a super guy. That's the kind of guy I want to meet. (Know any like that...or are they only in the movies??!!)

Which brings me to the movie we are going to tonight. "Horton Hears a Who." I hear (from my 4-year old nephew who's seen it twice) that it's great. Will update my blog with my comments on the movie.

Have the big "D" on the horizon. The 22nd. Let's hope it really happens this month. I got so worked up back in February, only to have it not happen. I am ready to be done. I moved out at the end of August. Sheesh!

Take a picture of the snow, Jenny, if you get it! (And I would take it, or anything, if I were back in CT. Honest. I am in the armpit of America. I really have a tough time thinking of something nice to say about this area...especially at this time of year!)



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