Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February, February, Where for Art Thou February?

How have you all been?
I am very sorry for my lengthy absence. I think February is not turning out to be a banner month for me (except that it started out REALLY great!). It has been one thing after another. I guess life just goes that way sometimes.

I am sorry to report that our acrylic album project (at least my end of it) is going to have to wait until March. Looking ahead I just don't have the time needed to git'er done. Please tell me you understand. :(

My tooth has been a source of just too much drama! First the pain, then the root canal, then the root canal gets infected, then I need to change dentists, now I need a crown! MY FREAKING WORD! Enough with the teeth already! Sadly when I am in pain I am not creative. At all. Does that happen to you?

Also while this was happening Jeff had the finger surgery that he has been putting off forever. He is doing very, very well now with it. He is still bandaged up, it will be awhile before he has full use of it (right hand of course) but he is getting better daily. Whoo hoo! Very nice hospital, very competent doctor, all's good there.

Kids are well.
Parents are great and planning a trip to AZ for the end of the month.
Got to see my CUTIE PATOOTIE 3m old nephew over the weekend. That was way fun!
So I guess really February isn't THAT bad.
It's just really busy and not too much time left over for creative pursuits is all.

Truth be told, I'm having a bit of trouble MOVing too. New meds. Blah. Can't change them for awhile yet either. I just feel like a slug. Slugs don't feel too great ya know.

No more pity party.
I will try to be better posting.
With the pressure of the project off (moved to March) I can just post more without feeling guilty about not updating the project.

AND i have (believe it or not) another suggestion for all of us.
It will come soon.

Miss you all and hope that you have a lovely week free from any tooth pain! :)


At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it really amazing how few good days there are when you really come down to it? And yes, I agree, it is very difficult to be creative when you don't feel well. Don't worry about the acrylic album project! We aren't going anywhere and will be ready when you are:) I actually do have some paper and I'm starting to collect some photos. I even read the instructions that came with the acrylic album!

I hope you and your teeth and Jeff's finger all feel better soon!

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just bite Jeff's finger and you will feel all better.

I think it is officially the time of "WINTER BLAAS" When will it be spring??? ( a wonderful child's book by the way!)

Hey isnt it lighter out later there or something like that?
Hang in there! I would rather go thru childbirth no pain meds than a root canal...

At 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Blog world Jen! We missed you. I agree that you shouldn't worry about the acrylic album. Your "class of students" is waiting for you whenever you are ready.
I was watching the Weather Channel last night, to get info on tonights eclipse of the moon. It looked like you were about to get dumped with snow. Does that mean you have no more Mr. Sun,Sun Mr Golden Sun??
Sorry to hear about all the dental and medical issues in the household. Glad you are all on the mend. Hmmmm... I know 2 really good OT's if Jeff needs therapy on his hand! Can you say Road Trip!!
Can you believe my "baby" Zach is turning 18 on Saturday!!!? This is a tough one for me, no more "kids" in the house. He of course is very excited. The countdown has also begun for graduation on June 17th. Ahhh rights of passage.
Well off for a family night of errands and fun. Miss you!

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

see, I am not the only one who prefers childbirth over tooth issues... and I went all natural giving birth and I still say that! I hope things are settling down for you. Looking forward to doing the acrylic album whenever you are ready! I started taking some pictures of my loves. Are you watching Idol? I think it's a guy's year! Talk to you soon.


At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh hem
i am truly offended that there is only 1 picuture of me on like this whole thing!!! i mean come on you can only see like half my face!!! and i think you should put a post just about me and how im doing and blah blah blah about me
thats my vote for the next post
well i gotta go to bed
your coming home tomorrow and i gotta get up at 8:00!!!!
~abbie <3

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

Jenny, Jenny, where art thou Jenny? We're missing you here!!! Hope to hear from you soon!

Hope March isn't too rough on you up north. We finally got some snow here yesterday. It's almsot all gone now. But at least I got to experience some REAL winter...

Hope you are back blogging soon.



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