OW - freaking - CH!
Good morning!
First, some good news. Here is the view out my back door today. It's Mr. Golden you know who! Notice the sky... it is blue! OMG!!! This is the FIRST time that we have had blue skies and sun since I got back from my weekend with Heather!!!! It's a welcome sight. It gave me the energy that I need so badly to catch up today.So, for the less good news. As in, WHY I need to catch up.... Well, on Sunday shortly after I woke up I got the worst tooth pain I have had, I believe, in my life thusfar. It was horrific. Sunday was my day too.... no plans... no worries... snowing (as usual)... I had a HUGE list of things to get done. Did none of that list. The day seemed to last forever in my pain challenged mind. Finally on Monday I got to the endodontist - got the pain somewhat under control with stronger pain meds. I had a cracked tooth. Painful apparently. I hope it never happens to you.
Tuesday I had a root canal. Today I am still in residual pain (well, a lot at the moment since it's almost time for more motrin) but I am hopeful I will feel better soon. I could go on and on, but I'll spare you. At least now you know where I've been.
Unfortunately I did not get my acrylic album started this weekend.
I did not finish/do the teacher's mailboxes.
No new pages were created.
No pages were finished.
I have not been on the computer - I owe many of you return emails.
No laundry, ironing, cleaning in general was done by me.
SO - I am behind.
I hope that the sunshine will help me catch up today.
At least a little bit.
Eeep! Ethan's show is over so I am out of time here. If you have a little one you should try to catch the show on PBS called "Super Why". Ethan loves it. Great pre-reading/early reading show. I think Miss Emma would really love it too!
Hope to MOVE it today so I can show you some productive stuff tomorrow.
Have a great day!
PS - Hi Gina Wina!!!!! :)
Whoo hooo!! Do I have the first comment???
Anyway, I'm so sorry about your pain. That really really sucks. I hope you get all fixed up and you feel better soon and that Patah (sp???) gets your house in order super pronto stat!
Ah, so you are the keeper of the Mr. Golden Sun. Take good care of him because he is MINE tomorrow!!!!
I rec'd my wonderful prize and acrylic album in the mail the other day just when I needed a pick me up too! I'm finishing Tithe and then I'm going to start the novel you sent. I can't wait to see what we are doing with this acrylic album because I have no idea how this is going to work technically. I think the theme is about things I love, right? I should probably start collecting photos. Let's see, yarn, fiber, yarn, fiber, and more yarn! Oh yes and The Podge too... Have a great day!!!
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