Thursday, April 10, 2008

Overactive Imagination? You Decide...

So, here's a "what would you do if..." for you.
This happened to me, for real, a couple of weeks ago.

I walk back into the ever gloomy house after dropping off child #3 to school. It is one of my RARE mornings where I have two hours to myself. Jeff is travelling with work and is out of the country which means I am running full steam ahead 24/7. Trust me when I tell you I NEED those 2 hours.

As usual I leave my keys in the car, in the locked garage. Cell phone is in there too, I usually leave it in my car and only bring it in at night.

So, I am settling in. Poured myself a cup of tea, plowing through a precariously piled pound of paperwork (p, p, ppp). In general trying to relax. My big plan is to work for one hour cleaning and then reward myself by "playing" with my scrapbook stuff (which misses me... i can hear it calling in the night... "jenny, jenny where are you jenny" ... it calls - pitifully) for the later hour. I begin to clean. I start with the kitchen. The kitchen is closest to the garage and the exit to said garage. Yes, this is a relevant factoid.

The phone rings.


I have sudsy hands.
I don't look at the caller ID, figured it was Jeff.

The conversation then went something like this....

caller: "hello"
me: "hello?" I had no clue who this was.
caller: "how are you today?" Whoever it was had a deep male voice.
me: "I'm sorry, and who is this???"
caller: "I'm here."
me: "hmmm?" (brilliant I know)
caller: "No, I'm HERE."
me: "I think you have the wrong number" (moving to hang up)
caller: "No - I'm - IN - the - house. here."

CLICK! I hang up HARD as I can.
I am, by now COMPLETELY FREAKED OUT. I mean, come on - horror movies start like that!!!!!!!

What would you do???
Leave a comment letting me know.
Wonder what I did? (well, clearly I survived - but I did do something)

Stay tuned... when I have a few responses about what you would do, I'll post the ending.............................


At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would call 911 and then hide!!! I am so glad you are OK, but the scenario sounds very scary. Since you said you didn't look at the caller ID, and you said the location of the garage (where your keys and cell phone were) was important, I'm thinking the caller was using your cell phone. I hope I am wrong, as that would be awful. Come on everyone we can get the ending...the suspense is killing me!!!!

Jen, I am glad you are OK and back to blogging. I missed you!

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Kristy said...

Jenny, what a suspense-full story. You have me on the edge of my seat. I would have had a crazy beating heart. Looked at caller ID, then called 911. Then grabbed my dogs and HID. Yikes.

Glad you are ok to tell the story...but wanting to know what happened next. So, everyone, comment NOW.

Also happy to see you back blogging...missing you!


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Kristy said...

Ok, maybe I wouldn't hide and maybe not call 911. I would look at caller ID. Then grab a weapon of sorts. And try to "solve" this problem. I don't think I'd call 911 right away since I would want to have facts first. If I did "hear" someone in the house, I think I then would call (and hide or leave quickly). I actually keep a heavy flashlight by my bed just for something like this....

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, why the heck do these things always happen right when one has a quiet hour or 2 that they are looking forward to? Drive me nuts...

Not that this particular thing has happened to me, but you know what I mean, right?

Anyway, I would probably take my phone with me and run next door. And then I would call my husband and make him come home.

I'm going to go check to make sure all my doors are locked now, ok????

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not hide. I would get OUT IMMEDIATELY! Then I would call someone to come check the house. I am glad you are all OK! Maybe it was your pool boy Sven, waiting for you, ready to massage your feet and when you took off, he gave up. I think he is on his way back to CT as we speak! Miss you.



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