Friday, April 11, 2008

So, Here's What Happened Next....

Okay, you know the first part of the story.

So... i hung up the phone and...

First was paralyzed. Just stood there like an idiot. If there was trouble coming I lost valuable seconds to fear. Not so smart. I always yell at people in movies that do that - just stand there i mean - and there I did it! Egad.

So, then I spun on my heels and got the heck out of the kitchen to the garage. Yes, it did occur to me that my cell was being used but I wanted my car and some part of my brain must have felt this was all silly and just go. So I did. Oh, as to caller ID, I did eventually look... guess what it was. Out of area. Nice.

So I left that house with lights ablazing (gloomy day remember) and high tailed it out of there. I checked my car before getting into it. Got in, locked the doors, and left. Even shut the garage door behind me.

Then what???

I believe i called someone in PA and someone in CT - not sure how I thought they could help. There was just a part of me that didn't want to call 911 in the middle of the morning and make a scene. Hmmm... So I went shopping for my 2 hours and attempted to calm down. Attempted to convince myself it was a prank call. Picked up Ethan and was faced with a new dilemma... should I go home?????

So, I drove by my house. All looked well. No signs of open doors or anything odd. Finally I did something sort of smart and called my dad who does live nearby and can help (makes more sense then the CT call... but old habits die hard). We decided to go through the house with cell phone in hand (yes, i do believe i saw my dad roll his eyes as i insisted he check under the beds - but hey! i was scared!). There was nobody in the house. No evidence there ever was.

So, I can only conclude it was either a very unfortunate wrong number, or a very mean random prank call.

What sort of stinks is that I keep having to deal with Jeff being gone. I have always been skittish being alone (kudos to single mom's out there everywhere) in the house overnight - now it is so much worse. I am barely sleeping four hours a night if Jeff is away on business (a regular occurance). I wish I could just shake this off. It seems I spend too many nights terrified to turn off the lights........


My that's gloomy.

I need to end on a positive note here. Hmmm... well I made my "baby steps" goal of blogging three times this week! Whoo hoo!!! Next week I'd like to try for four and then keep it at 3 - 4x per week. We'll see how it goes.

Spring break went sort of well for the kiddies... except for Max who had an x-ray (not broken) an ear infection (woke screaming) and a dermatologist apt (excema again). Abbie had a great week and Ethan did too. Max had some fun as after his apt he got to go to Toys R Us and use a remaining gift card to buy a new lego set. He has been loving that!!!

I hope that all of you have a great weekend. I have a half hour to myself at the moment and so I am going to try to finish up a couple of layouts. I haven't scrapped since January really (a page in Feb too I think) and I think my not doing that is indicitive of my mindset at the moment. So I am trying to break the mold and get some positive vibes back.

I miss you all very much.
Be safe and have a fun weekend!!!!


At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, have you heard from Sven? (See previous comment) I do hope he comes back to pamper you! Zach has his spring break starting today. We are all feeling sorry for ourselves because last year for Spring Break we were at Disney in Florida... I keep telling myself that we will appreciate it all the more when we get back again someday! I hope you were able to get some scrapping done. Talk to you soon.


At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I just love your writing. I am so glad you are back to blogging:) Oh yes, and I'm also glad you are still alive and that your caller has not called again.

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, I want to add that I think it is very inspirational that you still keep trying to do things that you like to do (like scrapbooking). Sometimes I think I should just throw in the towel and resign myself to child shuttle service, dishwasher, and yard raker (and so forth). There really doesn't seem like there is enough time to do all the things that we need to do, you know????

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy, this would make a good movie- wait a minute isnt there several movies out there with this theme? What &*()@#$ joker would do such a thing? The practical side of me says to call the cops and report this in case it happens again. Oh, and you need to take a self defense light of all the recent home invasions here in CT..this really brings it home that we all need to think of this and think it through.. I am not sure what I would do. I always feel so safe in my own home. (and I hate to admit that we DONT lock our doors)Would you have acted differently if your kids were there with you? I am just wondering. Are you on the do not call list? Your cell phone too? Thank you for sharing! I do miss your posts!

Future Lake Waramaug Triathlete

At 11:13 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

Hey, Jenny. Glad everything turned out ok. Good thinking to call your dad. That's a good one.

I am the single mom. Locking doors ALL the time. And closing blinds at dusk. I don't like people to look in. The only time I am nervous is during a storm. I did freak during a tornado warning, and the sirens were going off. I called my sister in KC (7 hours away), but also an aunt up the street. Freaky Freaky. Wouldn't want that to happen again. I moved Ty to the basement too. And he [luckily] slept thru the whole ordeal!

Well, glad you ended on an up note!


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