Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Meatloaf Police??!!

Oh my!
The meatloaf police are on the way to my house!!!
Good grief and oh my macaroni!!!
Yep, it appears that leaving my picture of my HEALTHY meatloaf up there is causing extreme duress, nausea, and all sorts of awful things.
On to a post that i've been meaning to do since March 19th!
My princess is such the "tween" now, more then ever.
In recent posts many of you mentioned that she is looking so grown up.
You're not kidding.
Here is a photo review.
First Birthday. So cute. I know you covet my glasses, try to control yourselves.First birthday with the grandma's. Yes, she still enjoys gifts. AND I'll have you know she loved wearing those headbands! Really. I think I still have that one as a matter of fact! Here she is at a brownie dance at age 7. I have the least pictures of Abbie on digital. Now there is this machine that changes negatives into digital images. I think I am going to be calling my IT guy to see if we can get that upgrade!!! ;) Oh, and here is the IT guy himself.
Age 8 at a gymnastics birthday party. Age 10 with the gruesome twosome. (hee hee hee)Egad - here she is at 11. You will be amazed just how much she has changed even between 11 and 12 (I think so anyway).Skull and crossbones bathing suit optional to attend party. {It was a mini-sleepover and the girlies went into the hot tub before cake. Not a bad plan actually...}Here's my lovely 12 year old.
She is doing so well here, straight A's, soccer, band, swimming, babysitting, you name it. I love the young lady she is becoming. {OH! Perhaps except that she now would like Coach purses and Tiffany jewelry for her birthday instead of the MUCH easier barbies. Oy vey} [she didn't get either... but a girl can dream right??!!]

Even her room is looking more "teenager" to me. [sniff, sniff] The poster collection shown here has doubled since this picture was taken by the way.Well, now you don't have to look at the meatloaf.

Peace out dudes!!! ;)


At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you sooo much for updateing your blog. I was beginning to think I would have to "unshortcut you". I just wanted to tell you Ryan was talking about Max out of the blue on thursday, he said he wishes he could have a playdate!! How sweet is that. I wish you a wonderful mothers day!!!

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh thank the good Lord in Heaven; Miss Abbie is so much more fun to look at than that meatloaf....what were you thinking girl friend????
Okay, it was a nice informational post but after three weeks of looking at orange and green meatloaf it lost it's "flavor"...ha, ha!
P.S. It is dark and rainy here today; Edward is stopping by my house first; he may not make it MI after meeting me....

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

Thank goodness that meatloaf is gone! Ugh. It was starting to gross me out. Not that it didn't at first sight. But looking at it many times over the weeks has permanently etched that image in my mind forever....

Love the pictures. She is quite the young lady. Very fun to see the transformations.

And I do love your glasses. I had lasik about 6 years ago. And I love it. I went from 20/400 to 20/15. With the advancing age (pushing 40), my eyes are getting worse. I'm now at 20/40. And things up close (like a meat thermometer from Pampered Chef) are completely unreadable. I will be needing longer arms soon.

Hope you had a great Mother's Day! We had sun, but WIND. I did finish mowing the at least it wasn't too hot to finish that!

Thanks for all the nice "catch up" comments on my blog. Hence, the reason I knew I could go to yours. You are finally back. Missed you!

Oh, a final note. Just finished book three of my Vampire books. Love them. They are very addictive. Will Bella become a vampire? Ooooo I want to know. Don't you? And I am totally in love with Edward. (Being single now, I need to meet my Edward) When does the new book come out?


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