Saturday, May 17, 2008

Two Words

Yep, I've been a little blog neglectful.
Two words as to why...


Good grief - the work involved in these things! I am doing the sale with my neighbor down the road ... so along with getting it all together I did a ton of schlepping. Schlep, schlep, schlep. The sale was yesterday (friday) all day [ALL day - 7:30am - 8:30pm] and today it's just from 8 - 2. Yesterday I "made" just over $100. Not too shabby. My friend sold her wave runner for over $1000.00 and a mobile bar for $150.00 so she's doing great.

So, that's where i've been. And as soon as this is over we start cleaning/preparing for guests who will arrive on Thursday. Right now my scrap/guest room is a disaster to say the least. I did go through my stash though and was able to finally sell some old CM stuff hanging around and some old patterned paper at 10 for $1. Cool. Out with the old... in with the new...

Back to guests, since they will be here for about a week - I really cannot imagine I will be doing too much blogging - but I will try. Jeff is supposed to get the computer and desk out of the guest room so I have a shot maybe.

Who is visiting you ask? We will be having Grandpa and Grandma Maggie here for some Michigan fun. I hope our weather is nice... if it is we may subject them to a dune ride!!!!!

Now, I had a guest two weeks ago too. Guess who? No guessing if you know - we had a blast when she (hint) was here. Would you believe though that I have NOT ONE PICTURE?! I have failed as a scrapbooker. NOT.ONE.PICTURE. Good grief. I am embarrased for myself. We just moved around a lot I guess and it was pouring rain every day she was here until the day she left. This person holds the distinction of being my first non-family visitor. Any guesses???? I am hoping that the numbers of visitors will rise significantly over the summer [HINT<>

So, otherwise here's what we've been doing........
Ethan is finishing up therapy (OT) and having fun with his therapist "Miss Marguerita". Here it was a zoo theme day. He got to read a book about the zoo, and all his jobs {for lack of a better word} were zoo related. Here he is the "Zoo Keeper" and he is rolling the animals back to their cages (that white basket). The animal is on his back under his shirt. Yes, he is wearing hand and ankle weights and has to keep his head and feet up. Not as easy as it may look! He has a blast going and has progressed so far that as of June he will "graduate" out of needing it!! Whoo hooEthan has also been on a major lego kick. And speaking of kicking... here's our weekend. I think you can tell, but in case not Abbie is the one in blue. So funny that I got this shot because right after it she got spoken to for checking a girl with a bit too much, um, oomph. Cracked me up! So not Abbie!!! Her coaches from CT would chuckle at that, believe me they would. Max LOVES soccer as well. A lot. He especially likes offense. He and three other boys on his team really lead the team. They were pretty undefeated (though at his league they don't track things like that).His season actually ended [seems early to me!] and he got a medal. School is almost over here. Ethan is done next week and the big kiddos get out on the 6th of June. Time, which has been dragging, is suddenly flying by. I need to make teacher gifts and FAST. Good grief. Any ideas???

I hope you have a nice weekend. Wish me luck at day 2 of the garage sale okay? Oh and for a good laugh look at the time stamp from this blog post and you'll see just how little I have been sleeping lately. Happy Saturday!!! :)


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, an all day tag sale??? Egads! It is a good thing you weren't here because we had an all day gloom fest yesterday. As to your vistor -- well, I wish it were me, but it wasn't, and since it was non-family, I will guess Cheryl with maybe the second guess being Heather?

Your children look wonderful and we miss them so much!

Soccer season over? Wow - what luck you have! We have softball, track, and birding here. Track and birding just have about 2 weeks left but Softball still has over a month. IHA just called from Agent J's tournament in Wallingford and told me that she won the game ball for hitting in the winning run! That must have been exciting. At birding this morning we saw a Baltimore Oreale (sp???), a Common Yellowthroat Warbler (not to be confused with a Yellow-troated Warbler or a Yellow Warbler) a Redstart making a nest, baby Bluebirds in their nest, and a Blue Herron flying (among many others).

Anyway, it is good to know you are still alive and kicking even if it is at 4 in the morning! Take care!!!


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