Thursday, February 22, 2007

It's Like This, I Have a Lot to Say Today...

Hello everyone,

I know I promised pictures of the new color room and bathroom... and really I will post them. Today, however, is ultra gloomy (snowy/rainy) and I cant get the picture to come out right. So stay posted to see "melted butter" and "juicy peach"!

I am full of it today - just as a warning. We have a lot going on here, possible changes in the works, trying to decide to sell our home or not, I am definitely STRESSED. Apparently (*hats off* to Junie B. for my favorite phrase) this makes me very talkative. I am sure that, should she ever decide to comment, Kristin would agree as she has worked with me in situations where my rate of speech has tripled that of all humans living in the New England area. See, stress brings out my inner Jersey. It is probable that SBDeb could also comment to that particular phenomenon. ;)

Rather then let this get me down I am attempting to draw on the wisdom of our formothers... this quote seemed appropriate:

I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.
-Martha Washington

The blog that I got that quote from is here - it is one that I have mentioned in past posts as being a fantastic site for inspiration and quotes perfect for scrapbooking. To continue from that site Angie (one of the moderators) said today, "Sometimes your hair, day, life is not going to be perfect. It is how you face the imperfections that make you, well, You!"

Now, stop gagging - enough mushy stuff. With absolutely no decent segway at all I now feel the overwhelming need for some "
Idol Chatter". I LOVED the girls last night. After being highly disappointed by most of the male contestants (though not all - I have said from the beginning that the beat boxer Blake is awesome and I stand by that. Additionally I very much liked Phil Stacey after he got going) I was ready for more of the same. May I just say that Lakisha gave me chills. She was FANTASTIC. A step above everyone else. Do any of you watch? I don't want to go on and on and bore the non-watchers (GinaWina) but if you are a fan let me know who you think will go the distance.

Finally I have noticed in my blog watching today (and don't go mental on me, I only regularly read about 5 most of which belong to my friends) that many people are on a list kick. So in case it is some kind of karma blogging phenomenon that Thursday is "list day" I don't want to rock the boat. Here are two of the lists I've seen around today that I thought were fun. I think I will make this a regular thursday feature! OH AND BY THE WAY - it is more fun to do lists if YOU, yes YOU the readers add your lists in the comments section. I'd love to know about you too.

Here goes:

Five Things that I Don't Like (in no particular order)

1. Waiting at the doctors office. Yes today I had to wait for 95.3 minutes to see our pedi for about 7 minutes total. Mega annoying.

2. Ants. Would you believe I am doing battle with ants here in the middle of the flipping winter? What will happen during spring I am afraid to find out! I may as well just give up, open and ant hotel, and start charging the little buggers room and board!

3. Bickering. Good Grief! Bickering makes me mental. I know that it is part of life for siblings to engage in some um, "problem solving" with each other and that it prepares them for life and all. Still, bickering, tattling, whining - they all rank as "unfun" for me.

4. Decisions - not good at them, try to push them off, can you say "denial", over people pleaser me. Okay, if you already know me and you are reading this I know you are saying "no duh dear" and thank you for putting up with me!

5. Garbage Cans left out DAYS after garbage day. That is just a pet peeve. For some reason it makes me batty. ESPECIALLY if they are in my way. Nuff said on that topic lest I get myself in trouble or something - but uh does it bug me.

Those are all minor things, just little fun things you may not know. Now to counter that rather dreary list I will end with:

Five things that I DO Like (again in random order)

1. My family and friends. Yep. You.

2. Comments on my blog (hint, hint, hintedy hint)

3. Snow days with my hubby. If he is not around, snow days are not quite as much fun - but they can be. I fear I will test just how much I like them tomorrow... we'll see.

4. Going to the Movies.

5. Getting Lost in a great book. Hey, have you reserved your
newest Potter that is coming in July? I think i did twice by mistake - but I MUST have it.

So there you have it. My wordy post. I will make every attempt for some pictures in the next one... Have a happy thursday.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Well... I had hoped to write a post letting everyone know I was healthy and showing you the new colors of my bedroom and bathroom. I have a whole posting all ready to go.


Please see prior entry labeled "vacation Jinx" that I wrote over the summer. To sum that up, I have a MAJOR vacation jinx going on and this vacation is no different!

I still am struggling with the end of this flu or whatever I got just before Valentine's day. Can't seem to keep my temp under 100 for a whole day yet. It feels like I have been in a fog - and I have felt badly because it is the kids vacation and I wanted to do something special with them. You know, vacation fun.

So.... we decide I am good enough and Abbie invited over two friends, to sleep over, go to the movies, eat dinner out, work on some dance moves. To include Max in this fun he was coming to the movies with us (we were going to see "Bridge to Terabithia"... has anyone seen it?). Then I was inviting his friend (and coincidently mine too) over for the day on Tuesday to do some overlap with the girls. So no fighting you see, all would be taken care of. Even had DH coming home on time so that we could make the movie and dinner with no problem and no toddler in tow.

To prepare for all this fun Abbie did so much work - cleaned the playroom top to bottom, vacuumed without being asked, her room is spotless, she even made "Welcome" posters for the girls and had a written agenda (!).

Can you guess the outcome based on the tone of this passage???

Yes, Abbie is now sick. I do mean SICK too. Now she is the one with the 103+ fever. She just was out with a sickness for a week less then two weeks ago!

How am I going to get the cooties out of this house?!???
I've been a lunatic with lysol, everyone washes their hands, all bathrooms are sparkling clean (thanks to DH) and we are taking that Airborne stuff (uh, which I hate by the way).

I guess it's that Old Vacation Jinx at it again.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


The title refers to .... my temperature! Uh! I finally get all kiddies healthy and off to school and then I get it. Not cool.

Today my temp is a cool 101.5 and I feel like I got run over by a mack truck named Horace. Luckily my DH was able to stay home yesterday (whew! with no school and all three lovelies home I think i would have had a challenging day) and for at least some (if not all) of today.

So, the final question - doctor or not? I think I just have a virus that will hopefully go away with time????

Back to bed for me - I hope that all of you stay healthy!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Some Changes

Hi Everyone... I know it has been awhile, one of these days I will get the hang of blogging on a more regular basis. Above are some recently finished layouts. Not all pictures are recent, but the layouts are reasonably new. I have a tendency to start a layout and then if it "needs something" it can hang out for years before I finish it completely. Don't do this that often. But it does occasionally occur.

Well, the changes I refer to in the title involve how comments are viewed. I have been having a terrible time keeping up with all the spam posted to this blog. I have to go in and delete the problem posts one by one. Annoying. So now when you comment you will have to enter one of those code things to prove you are human and not a spamming program. Sorry about that - I didn't want to do it (since I fear it will cut down on comments) but I have no choice at this time.

In other news if you are following the Gardasil debate (the vaccination to prevent some types of cervical cancer) you may want to check out this post over at Spincerely's. She did a lot of research on the topic and for the most part I agree with her assessment. Frankly giving my child a new vaccine gives me chills. I prefer to wait a year or two and make sure they are not going to "discover" any nasty aftereffects from it. What do you think? Heather I hope you post about this since at least two of my friends have asked me for your opinion (since you are a mom of three girls and a nurse) and at this time I don't know what it is.

The Ethan and Max sharing a room is working out okay... not great, but it is getting better.

Unfortunately I have to run to view this addiction - hope to post more soon.