Monday, January 21, 2008

The First Thing to Go

Happy Monday everyone!

Wow, this has been a challenging weekend. We spent a lot of time at the doctors office it seemed. Ethan has still been struggling with this stupid virus - but today it looks like he may be turning the corner. I hope so - last night he woke up with a 104.5 again! Only to be beat by Saturday nights 105! Gadzooks!!!

Which leads me to the title of this post... the first thing to go for me when I am exhausted is my patience. This is often rapidly followed by my sense of humor. Additionally I cannot concentrate, follow directions, or do complicated math. (that's a long list huh?) Today I am just WIPED out. I haven't slept well in days and you can really tell. Today would not be a good day to call me and put me on hold and then try to tell me a funny story. Nope. Save it for tomorrow (small chuckle, but only a small one).

So I am briefly saying *hi* and updating you on my weather shots.
Here is noon on Saturday - somehow I missed Sunday's shot. Here is today. If you look to the left of the left tree you can actually make out a real cloud. You may also notice that the gray was less gray then Saturday and was, in fact, a lightish gray. This little cloud, and the lighter colored sky, eventually ushered in some sunshine around 4pm. It was welcomed. More later tonight or in the morning.

What's the first thing to go when you lose too much sleep?


At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cry really easily when I don't get enough sleep and of course loss of patience and brain capacity too. Isn't it strange how it seems like the world is against sleeping; either you have a baby or a sick child or a worry or a noisy neighbor or a back ache or killer hives or something. There is always something out there trying to get you! That gray is really incredible. I worry about your March and April. I really would never have thought it could be worse than here! I love AvaCroppy's outfit and and room. She is going to get some sleep for you, I just know it!
Rock a Bye Croppy, in your tree top,
When the wind blows, the gray goes away,
When the skies clear, the sun will come out,
And you will be better, like a young sprout.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

I too am feeling little patience. Ty has a cold and isn't feeling that well. Runny nose and slight fever. But at least he's napping now.

I don't know if it's lack of sleep or just the stress that goes along with the big "D" -- but somedays I am really down. And the weather today is like my mood. Gloomy.

Hope you are your normal self tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow we'll both have sunny days...both literally and figuratively!

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it seems that my word for 2008 of "patience" has found itself haunting more people than just myself! What is the first thing to go when I don't have enough sleep? Well, my natural god-given beauty of course!... JUST KIDDING! Really, I would have to say my desire to do anything at all goes first. So, that is really bad!

I had such a great time at my scrap weekend in Sturbridge, MA. I managed to get 19, almost 20 pages done!!! And I did not even stop mid-way through and put any away, except for that almost 20th one, only because we had to pack up and get out. I never did do that project I brought, but I did manange to start Zach's Birthday party invitations! Anyway, hope you get some much needed sunshine today!



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