Monday, January 28, 2008


Here are pages 30 and 31... I made it!
How'd you do on your pages? Did you come close to 31? Of course there are still some days left if you had joined our challenge.
Sorry for the glare on the pics by the way. I had to use the flash because... you guessed it, no sun. Today was gray AND rainy with gloppy snow on the side. Charming.

Oy, off my weather rant. No more front door gloom pictures.
MOVing on... I have been working on this layout for YEARS. Many could attest to seeing me take it out, look at it, move things around, and put it away {please someone chime in and tell me i'm not the only one who does that...}. All the pics are my kids around toddlerhood. Since the print is too small for you to see it, Max is 16 months, Ethan is just over 2, and Abbie is 2y4m. Love layouts like this that show them at the same ages. I don't have too many. Need to try to find more. I think Abbie and Ethan look the most similar, do you agree?I do plan another challenge for "us" in February.
Also a contest AND a project.
Yep, still kickin the blog up a notch.
This week, however, may be slow.
I have unfortunately picked up some sort of cooties from all my trips to the pedi with Ethan last week. Feeling VERY under the weather. Also I have to kit up layouts to take to my girls weekend with Heather which is at the end of the week! I am positively WILLING myself to be well by then and am doing everything possible to encourage that wellness. I am, at the moment, nowhere near my goal of 20 layouts ready to create. I need to match the pictures with the paper and cardstock and scan, reduce size, and print lots of memorabilia. I am hoping to have the kids school albums totally caught up by the end of the weekend. In the past I have been pretty good about keeping the up to date and don't want to lose it now.

So I may be a bit quiet - I'll see what I can do.
I hope you are all staying well.
How are those layout resolutions coming????


At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I really the first to comment? I love the layout with all the kiddies at the same age. Very cute! I will bet you can accomplish 20 layouts on your weekend. I did 19 1/2 AND worked on Zach's B-day invitations on my weekend away.... so now I am challenging YOU!!!! I meant to tell you I saw many people that used to go to Deb's place and they all say hello, hello, hello! I finally bought my canvas, painted it, and painted my letters for PATIENCE. As soon as it is put together and embellished, I will e-mail you picture. Oh- I would NEVER put layouts away before they are done and take them back out a bajillion times. HA!HA!HA! Who doesn't do that? Well, I hope you are feeling better and have fun on your weekend away!


At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute pics of the kiddos! I have 27 done, so I should be able to make goal as well. We'll see. I'm ready for the February challenge, whatever it may be. Sue says she'll join in too. :>)

Good job on being first commenter Becky !! Where did you go that you saw some SBC friends? I miss seeing everyone.

Jen I hope you feel better (try Airborne, it's works for me). Have a great weekend with Heather!

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, did you guys know that there is a Creaking Keepsakes Convention in Hartford in October???

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, Abbie and Ethan do look alike! I never would have thought it! I love your corn paper. I am so proud of you reaching your goal. You are amazing. Sorry about your weather, though I'm pretty sure it is headed here. I went to a library program tonight on Iris Paper Folding. It was fun and I made a cute little card. I brought all my paper cutters to share too and it was pretty scary how many I have (7). Do I actually LOVE any of them though? No. I think the ultimate paper cutter is still yet to be invented, don't you?
I hope you have fun at your weekend. What state will you be in?? (Hahaha, and I don't mean like the state of confusion or anything. Though maybe you will be in the state of childlessness bliss....)

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no doubt you would meet your goal. And is that DOUBLE matting I see on the corn page? No wonder it took you 4 years to finish! Now here's a question...are they all in albums yet? Maybe that could be February's challenge!


At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goal Met!!! 6 pages (in the dreaded 12x15 format) and I have completed 33 for the month! Plus Jeremy's Trail to Eagle books are done. Yeah!!
OK, I'm motivated to keep going. What's our next challenge? Maybe I should have you put out a "pounds lost" challenge. I seem to do much better when I'm challenged and accountable. :>)


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