Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Night Scrappapalooza

Hi Ladies!

Here it is another Monday night that I am not getting started until 9! Today was a soccer party for Abbie's team... sort of a get aquainted party. It went really well.... we just got home.

Today my goal is to finish a couple of things from the weekend. Heather and I went to the GASC and had a fantastic time. The convention itself was a bit disappointing - not as many vendors and much smaller numbers... but the companionship was lovely (last year I went alone and felt lonely much of the time - it was early days from the move) and the classes we took were really wonderful.

I must admit, however, that I had hoped to learn more then I did about acrylic albums. The only thing I learned "new" was how to use alcohol inks on acrylic. They are something I hadn't played with yet. Otherwise it was lots of rub ons and ribbons. Oh, and I really liked the class that combined acrylic and chipboard into one album. THAT was fun and something that made a lot of sense.

You may wonder about pictures.... well while we were gone the camera broke. I need to take it in to have its button fixed. As soon as possible I will take, and post, pictures.

I have to run get a few kiddies in bed. I don't intend to do too much tonight - but hope you get a lot done. Thinking that Tamara, Becky, Kristin and Deb may check in. Maybe even someone new. We all still have to work on Kristy. ;)

More later - oh and PS - I intend to scrap tomorrow night too since tonight will be a short one. Can anyone join me?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Max!

As is my custom this year... a birthday in review.
For Max I decided to be different and not do the cake shots.
These are all taken in his birthday month of July - but not necessarily on the day.
In Michigan - 2001.Michigan playground 2002. This is the same playground, although the kiddie side, where in later years he would break his first bone.Here he is in 2003 at Action Wildlife in Goshen. He's driving in the "Safari" section. 2004 was a year of puzzles. Max loved doing puzzles and we did some EVERY day for awhile there.2005 at the Science Center with Dylan. This was the year of the Ms. Frizzle exhibits. At Spectacle Lake in 2006 and able to canoe the perimeter of the lake (our side). 2007 - King of the Dunes!
2008 waterskiing like his dad. Clearly he gets that from HIS side of the family (just not in my DNA I guess).

Happy Birthday!

Off to eat cupcakes and play a game of Uno or Life.

How was your day?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Scrapapalooza Monday!

Happy Monday!

I see Deb and Tamara have checked in on the last post. Sorry for my later then 8 appearance, my soccer meeting ran late! (oh how some things never change...)

Tonight I am organizing and ordering photos. All part of the scrappy process. Then I hope to do a couple of finish up layouts.

I'll check back in later.

How'd you do???

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Red Light Foods

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you all had a nice weekend!
Before I go into today's exciting entry (ha, ha, ha) I want to say GAME ON for tomorrow. Monday will be our first SCRAPTOGETHER day. Maybe by then I'll think of another name for it. So, those participants who agreed to play, and any who want to join in, just stop by the blog tomorrow at 8pm and say - "i'm here!" I'll have a message up. Then whenever you're done stop by again and let us know what you got finished. As we go on we can get creative with IM or skype or whatever, but for now lets just keep it simple. Sound good? I know I'm expecting Deb, Becky, Heather, and Tamara. Wondering if Kristin will join in? Perhaps Kristy will go for it? Could there be another mystery person who may go for the challenge? Tune in tomorrow to find out! :)

So, on to the topic of the day. Today was "one of those days" when it just seemed like dieting was such a drag. Really. I wanted brownies all blinkin day long. Even unmade in their box they were humming their siren song. Luckily (don't know how I managed) today I resisted. I remember that one of the (many)times I went to weight watchers they used to discuss “red light foods”, those foods that if they are in your house – you will eat them. No amount of willpower will save you. Weight Watchers recommended (at that time) that you keep those foods OUT of your house. I must say that after years of trial and error I’d have to agree.

I need to confess that I cannot co-exist with brownies. They call me. Really, they do. I can be innocently changing laundry when I’ll hear: “jeeeennnnny, we are so tasty…” I’ll ignore it or put them in the microwave (out of sight, out of mind… but unfortunately not out of earshot!) and still their tempting song can be heard – even on a different level of the house “jeeennnyyyy just a little nibble wont huuuurrttt you….”. When they’re in the microwave the sound is just a little muffled.

I must sadly confess that in the battle of Jenny vs the Brownie, the brownie most often wins.

Do you have a “red light food”? An arch nemesis in the war of weight loss? A food whose tempting nature makes “battle” of the bulge really mean something to you?

What’s your temptation?

PS – I don’t do too well with cookies either….


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What Kind of Scrapbooker Are You?

Sorry for my quiet jag... but I'm back and am apparently in a philosophical mood. Also I am missing everyone and wishing we could scrapbook, or just hang out and do whatever, together. In a rare flash of insight I had an idea. Hmmm... I'll build to it. Here's my thoughts -

For those of you readers who scrapbook (or who’d like to if there were enough hours in the day) I was just wondering what kind of scrapbooker you are?

Are you a “caught up” person who waits for new pictures to be developed because everything else is done?

Are you a “half done”? This unfortunately fits me to a "t". I have many, many projects and layouts just waiting for "one more thing". Very often that one thing is the journaling since I am unable to journal at crops and that seems to be the only place I scrap lately.

Are you a “want to” - you have the stuff, you have the desire, you lack the execution.

Are you a different type all together? What type are you?

My goal is to be a “consistent” scrapbooker. I really want to pick one night a week (one night, I should be able to do one night right? Come on now… just one night is doable) to work on this hobby which I truly enjoy and helps to recharge my batteries. Why is it so hard to find that elusive “discretionary time” for my beloved hobby? I think too often we feel guilty about spending time for ourselves. About doing something that is not child or home centered (although, by its very nature scrapbooking is that).

So, while driving in the car – on a very long journey might I add – and typing this entry up I have devised a plan. How about we pick a night… yes, we – and scrap together? I know we may not be physically together… but we can sign on the blog – just to say “I’m in!” and then while we work we can think happy thoughts about eachother and then log in again to say what we did (or didn’t) get done. That’s what I think it will take for a lot of us… making an appointment to ourselves, and others, to be there and JUST DO IT.

Whatdoyathink? If I commit to be there (and maybe put up an idea or challenge from time to time) will you commit to join me? Who’s interested? What night should we pick? I am thinking of Monday or Thursday night? Or maybe Sunday night?

Let’s start this week!
No excuses.
Just Do It (love that phrase).

Looking forward to scrapping with you…